Practical Airsoft Recommends:
Basic (DVD)
Basic (VHS/PAL UK Video)
Fuji Finepix A204 digital camera
Cobra Microtalk 110 PMR446 2-way radio
WARNING:Once again, someone out there is faking the Practical Airsoft e-mail domain name in their message headers. If you receive ANY e-mail from the Practical Airsoft domain that is NOT shown as coming from "roger", DELETE it IMMEDIATELY. These fake emails contain viruses. A GENUINE email from me will be shown as roger AT A typical e-mail fake, including the header data, is shown below (note that I've removed the attachment); these ALL contain attachments, and unless you know me, or have asked for something from me, you will NOT have attachments in e-mails from me.
Factual errors in the e-mail: There is NO Support team here - I'm the only one running Practical Airsoft; I use a NAMED antivirus product, not what they've called it; lastly, I closed the forums I had here over a year ago. Once again - if it's anything OTHER than roger AT, DELETE it, and whatever you do, do NOT open the attachment - it contains a VIRUS. All the best, Roger |
Kung Hei Fat Choi! (Happy Chinese New Year!)
For all of you who enjoy Chiese New year, have a good one! This yeart, it's the Year of The Rooster!
Menubar problem
You've probably noticed that the menubar that is supposed to be above this posting isn't there. To be honest, I cannot figure out what's wrong with the javascripting that is supposed to put it there, either So, for the time being, please use the main site map, and bear with me while I either somehow repair the menubar, or completely update the site with a Content Mangement System (I'm looking at options on that score, so if you'd like to add your opinion about those from first hand experience, please e-mail me! |
Retailer news...!
Current USMC catalogue...
OK, somewhat delayed, but only because USMC failed to send me their latest catalogue (I had to blag this off a freind!). USMC released their current catalogue a month or two ago (Autumn-Winter 2004-5).
Full of their normal comprehensive range of all manner of European and American combat clothing, webbing, etcetera, it's quite interesting to note that they've also extensively reduced the prices of their range of Blackhawk gear, making this kit much more affordable of late, to the private purchaser (It's still not exactly cheap, but it's getting cheaper, anyhow ). Oh, and before I forget, they also now stock the Royal Robbins 5.11 range of casual wear - rather handy if you need loads of pockets on your trousers and polo shirts
USMC are FINALLY on-line in English!Well, it's taken them long enough, but it appears that they've finally managed to kick their web designer into action; the result is that you can now view their product lines on-line at Only took USMC two years |
New F&T catalogue published
The latest catalogue from Field &Trek has been published, and in fact arrived on my doorstep this morning; with 160 pages (an increased page count of 25%, the say) of camping equipment, accessories, outdoor cloting, tentage, boots, and so on, it's the usual good quality content from a respected retailer in this specialised market; The kit is in the main reasonably priced, and there are a few lines (certain fleece jackets, for example) that are good for both Airsoft (or military) use, as well as normal (i.e. civilina) usage. F&T can be reached on 0870 777 1017, or at
E-mail delays - an apology! (28th August 2004)Just a quick note to those of you who have sent me e-mails over the last few weeks - sorry I've not replied, but I've been hellishly busy both at work, and at home, doing up my kitchen - I'll be replying to most of you within the next week or so! |
Retailer news...!
Delayed news: Current Silvermans catalogue and web site
OK, this has been heavily delayed here (new PC, new software, new scanner, yadda yadda), so apologies for the lateness of this. Silvermans recently released their current catalogue (2004, Issue 101).
Full of their normal and highly comprehensive range of all manner of British and foreigncombat clothing, webbing, etcetera, they've moved from the previous pocket (A5) format to a more 'conventional' A4 magazine format.
While we're on the subject of Silvermans, they've also completely re-done their website. More of a facelift than a complete redisign, it's still arguably one of the easiest to navigate, and well worth a look. A note, before I close this bit: Remember that you will pay a little more for gear bought through Silvermans, but given that most of their stock is in stock all the time, if you need it in a hurry, and no-where close to you has it, Silvermans are a damn good bet to have it in stock.
New Home Office consultations on firearms
OK, the Home Office have just releassed a report from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), regarding guns and the Community. It's worth reading, as it gives you a good idea on where the Police want to go on restrictions with guns of any kind.
Note that it's a bloody big file (2.02mb), and is in PDF format. You can find it here (right click and 'Save As'):
Further to this, the Home Office have released a White paper (Consultation document) on guns. A public consultation, it's worth reading. However, before you get your knickers in a knot, the UKASGB (UK Airsoft Sites Governing Body) are looking into this as well, and will be making a formal respnse for their members (Airsoft playing sites). Even so, the document is well worth reading.
Note that it's also a bloody big file (1.195mb), and is likewise in PDF format. You can find it here (right click and 'Save As'):
Retailer news...!New Special Air Sea Services catalogue and web site
Full of their normal excellent range of bespoke combat clothing, webbing, etcetera, it's quite interesting to note that they've added a brand new stove to their kit list as well: The Primus Micron. While it's a butane-powered job (remember, butane isn't that good a performer in cold weather), it's definately the smallest field cooker I've ever seen, and reasonably priced as well! While we're on the subject of SASS, they've also completely re-done their website, and believe me, it's a hell of a lot better for the re-vamp! |
Firearms Consultative Committee dissolved
Just found out about this. Makes grim reading for the future of all shooting sports and hobbies (Including Airsoft), in my opinion:
Source: BASC (British Association for Shooting and Conservation)
Home Office scraps expert panel while gun crime soars30/1/04………………………………immediate release The Home Office has dissolved its expert committee on firearms - the Firearms Consultative Committee (FCC.)Condemning the move, BASC said this is the wrong action at the wrong time. The FCC, whose membership includes the police, shooting representatives, Customs, the RSPCA, lawyers, and even anti-gun campaigners, has an excellent record of providing balanced, expert advice to the government. The Home Office have made vague proposals about replacing it with two committees but have given no details of composition or timing, nor have they consulted any of the stakeholders. It does not inspire confidence that the Home Office is about to undertake a review of firearms legislation without the benefit of advice from an independent expert committee. BASC’s director of firearms, and former member of the FCC, Bill Harriman said: "The FCC represented a broad spectrum of expert opinion which is now being jettisoned in favour of some vague panel on the whim of a minister. Despite the eminence of its members the FCC has seldom been given the credence it deserves by the Home Office, which ignored the committee’s advice while gun crime soared." BASC is urgently seeking a meeting with the Home Office. Note to editors: |
In my humble opinion, this gives the Home Office free rein in deciding on whatever action they care to take on guns in general, without the benefit of impartial advice, or even of seeking such advice. It also removes in one fell swoop, the one expert impartial forum we hitherto had in raising concerns regarding our hobby of Airsoft.
So what form will this new pair of committees be? We don't yet know, but replacing one committee with two brings yet more bureaucracy to a department that has shown itself to be run, from the top, with a callous disregard for the opinions of the shooting community, and this can only be bad news for Airsoft.
Once again, the Home Office, under New labour, shows it's true colours: "We're always right, you're always wrong".
God help us all.
Airsoft Skirmish Gaming has started out small in the UK, but is, like paintball skirmish gaming, growing, year on year. With this in mind, the aim (sic) of this web site is to provide informed articles, ranging (again, sic) from the legal standpoint regarding the equipment we use, to basic advice on improving your Airsoft Skirmish Gaming, to more advanced notes, such as what equipment (both for gaming, and general overnight outdoor use) to purchase.
It is the hope of the webmaster (that's me, by the way!), that this site will aid you in your quest to become a responsible, respected player. To that end, if there's anything you WANT to see, and it's not here, please drop me a line!
Practical Airsoft does NOT condone the use or possession of Firearms, Airsoft models, or replica weaponry for illegal purposes, and we strongly condemn any person doing so. The hobby sport of Airsoft skirmishing, when properly organised and carried out, is safe, enjoyable, and of no threat to the public at large, as it takes place on private, NOT public, land. The use of realistic models, which appear on first examination to resemble firearms (but which are not even low-power airguns, under UK Law), purely adds to the theme and atmosphere of the games, and it is this hobby sport that this web site is dedicated to. |
Comments on this website are always welcome. You can mail me at Read on, and remember: "It's Only A Game!"
All the best, and play safe!