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Image: Exercise Log Leap '94, at "Ohmygod" o'clock in the morning... If the enemy attacks, they'd better have a flask of coffee for me, or I'm gonna be decidedly unfreindly! (photo from Authors' personal collection, copyright 1994-2002, Roger Stenning)</p>

"No Coffee?!

Exercise Log Leap '94, roused from a very sound and comfortable sleep at "Ohmygod" o'clock in the morning...
If the enemy attacks, they'd better have a flask of coffee for me, or I'm gonna be decidedly unfreindly!
(photo from Authors' personal collection, copyright 1994-2002, Roger Stenning)

Image: Coffee beans, courtesy of Coffee beans, courtesy of

An Airsofters Guide To COFFEE!

By Tomo ("Tomo" on the UK Airsoft Forums)

Image - steaming coffee mugImage - steaming coffee mug

Too much caffeine can be addictive, and harmful to your health (if only because it's a diuretic, and makes you go to the toilet far to often!)

Now the first thing that has probably come to your mind is: "What the hell has coffee got to do with airsoft?".

To be honest that's the first thing that came to my head as well.

Then, though, I realised that coffee is one of the most important aspects of an airsoft game. The caffeine element for one, to someone who isn't used to about 80mg of caffeine (such as our own Editor, Redcap - see the photo to the right!) - one mug of coffee will keep them quite hyped throughout the day, and you can use this advantage to send them into an enemy camp charging like something…err very charging like!

Anyway the types of coffee (yes, there are types) will be listed here, then a brief description, followed by its "airsoft effectiveness factor".

And that, my friends, was the "airsofters guide to coffee" a completely useless, informative, (yeah right) piece of "work", that will not help you in anyway whatsoever and probably hasn't even brought you any amusement. But alas it may help some of you realise airsoft is not such a serious sport, and you should relax and enjoy the wonderful wildlife around you... Now the nice men in white coats are coming to pick me up!

Tomo ("Tomo" on the UK Airsoft Forums)
Coffee loving Airsofter, and UK resident Japanese fellow

Editor's comment - Very nice, very useful, but Tomo missed one of the most deadly, virulently addictive, ZING-able forms of coffee - 'Rocket Fuel', marketed at your local Tesco store (the ONLY place I've ever seen it!); this coffee is laced with about TWICE the normal instant coffee level of caffeine and, in addition, is loaded with another stimulant, Guarana Extract, a natural stimulant from the Amazon regions; the kick this stuff gives you really has to be felt to be believed - it's MASSIVE! (NOT for the health-conscious, nervous, or if you're in need of a darn good nights' sleep - hyper? I darn near had to be peeled from the ceiling Image - winkicon!).
Airsoft Effectiveness: 20/10 - and well nigh dangerous in the wrong hands!
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Image - steaming coffee mug

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