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Practical Airsoft Recommends:

Black Hawk Down (Two Disc Set) [2002]

Black Hawk Down (VHS/PAL UK Video)

Black Hawk Down (Hans Zimmer soundrack Audio CD)

Black Hawk Down (Book)

Fuji Finepix A204 digital camera
Fuji Finepix A204 digital camera

Cobra Microtalk 110 PMR446 2-way radio
Cobra Microtalk 110 PMR446 2-way radio

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The links on this page (a) in no particular order, and (b) for ease of reference, and (c) in the UK. Note that all of these links will open into new browser windows.

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UK Airsoft gaming sites

Image: banner for the Ambush Wargames site
Ambush Wargames, with sites at Bramshill, Chobham, and, recently at Harlow, are, in my not so humble opinion, possibly one of the best gaming sites in the UK; with a dedicated and enthusiastic team of regular marshalls, and a strict line on the enforcement of the gaming rules, everyone knows where they stand before a game starts: This also makes them a highly popular site, and with their new site at Bramshill, they have acreage to go around in spades - the place is HUGE!
In addition, there's a regular stand for Airsoft Dynamics, so if your Airsoft Model goes down in a game, you don't have to go far to get a suitably experienced Airsoft technician to have a look at your pride and joy!
Image: banner for the Dragon Valley Gaming site
One of the handful of Urban Gaming sites in the UK, Dragon Valley is located in part of the active RAF base at Caerwent, near Chepstow, Gwent, in South Wales. Sporting approximastely 20 acres of the facility, it has an indoor safe zone, many unique features, and experienced marshalls.
Their ethos is that gaming should be innovative and fun, and to that end, want to try to simulate real combat as much as possible, without ever compromising on enjoyment. With this in mind, their gaming days are based around storylines that develop over the course of the day. They also specialise in unique one-off events, such gaming unusual periods of history, role-play events and such like.
Image: banner for the Dropzone Simulations website
Dropzone Simulations is a new one on me, only discovered when a member of the UKAN forums mentioned that it had been featured in Land Rover monthly magazine. I did a little digging, found out their contact details, and phoned them out of the blue; while a little surprised to get the call, they were freindly, informative, and utterly professional.
These guys primarily cater to the Corporate and largish Private Party market, and offer basic and intermediate weapons (Airsoft marksmanship and safety, etc) and tactical training, MilSim (Military Simulation) scenarios, and appropriately themed exercises for all participants.
All would-be participants are given a list of kit to bring with them, and everything else (lousy weather included at times) is issued when there. Remember to bring your own safety glasses/goggles - you'll need them!
Prices, while not advertised, also reflect the experience of the team running the business (who are mainly ex-forces, Parachute Regiment, Royal Marines, and such like). Don't expect that much change from a hundred quid for an eight-hour day, to start with!
From the chat (with leading and some dumb questions deliberately thrown in, sorry lads!) I had with them, they seem to know what they're on about, so I'll leave it in your hands as to wether or not this is your cup of tea - remember: This is a taste of the Military side of life, cold, wet, weather, not much sleep, and a job to be done at the end of it included!
Image: banner for the Elite Action Games site
Elite Action games is situated in Worthing, West Sussex, in about 45 acres of woodland. The terrain includes features like The Sandbag Bunker, The Ridgeline Firebase, a Tower and a bridge.
The marshals who are supposed to be neutral carry spare ammo, batteries, plus little extras such as claymores (electrically operated mines) and 66mm antitank launchers, opps did we forget to tell you about the tank? - just kidding. Oh, and it's inadvisable to fire at Marshall's - they're the nervous ones in the florescent safety jackets, and should they come under fire, they will respond like the United Nations: They'll shoot back - but with MUCH more vigour!
Elite Action Games is a milsim airsoft site, games are played as military operations, not paintball 'capture the flag' games. Players are expected to be reasonably fit and to understand simple commands. 'Stop shooting' ' Game over' etc.; This site is one of the longest running sites in the UK, and the experience of the owner, Tom Andrews, shows to every inch of the site. If you live on the south east coast of the UK, it may well be the nearest and best site for you!
Image: banner for the Sopley Urban Airsoft Gaming site
A few miles north of Christchurch (near Bournemouth), and a long-established site, with a very good reputation, Sopley is one of the handful of sites specialising in Urban (CQB/OBUA) Airsoft games - remember to book in advance, as they're a very much sought-after site for players to game on!
Image: banner for the Stirling Airsoft MilSim site
Stirling Airsoft is an offshoot of the successful Stirling Services business. S.A. Specialises in running MilSim events, and giving training in military-style techniques to make it easier to win the events
Well respected by many in the Airsoft hobby in the UK, Stirling Services is run by ex-Military Personnel, who most definately know their business, having served in various hot-spots around the world while members of HM Forces.
Well worth a visit!
Image: banner for the SWAT Airsoft Gaming site
Located near halkyn, in Flintshire, north Wales, and home of the Big Game 2002 (and soon to some, the Big Game 2003), S.W.A.T. AirSoft is a division of S.W.A.T. Paintball Activities Ltd. All of their staff are experienced marshals, having run one of the largest Paintball sites in the UK (S.W.A.T. Paintball Activities), they are also qualified first aiders and very friendly - quite happy to offer help whenever possible. Marshalling is also fair, effective, and kept to an absolute minimum.

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