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28 Days Later (VHS/PAL UK Video)

28 Days Later (Soundtrack CD)

28 Days Later (Book)

Fuji Finepix A204 digital camera
Fuji Finepix A204 digital camera

Cobra Microtalk 110 PMR446 2-way radio
Cobra Microtalk 110 PMR446 2-way radio

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Collected external links

The links on this page (a) in no particular order, and (b) for ease of reference, and (c) in the UK. Note that all of these links will open into new browser windows.

While I have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the links below lead to responsible web sites, the contents of the sites that these links lead to, are completely outside my control. You should also be aware that while they may have privacy policies of their own, I do not have any say or control in these policies, if indeed there are such policies in place. Caveat Emptor: Buyer Beware!

By the way - when you place an order, or contact these firms with questions, please tell them where you found their information - I need all the help I can get!

If you wish to link to Practical Airsoft, please see below for my banners!

UK Airsoft team web sites

Image: team2sexy banner
With a well-designed web site, team2sexy is still going strong, even after their (very amicable) split with the members of the subequently formed TeamAWA; a genuinely friendly and hard-playing team (they play as hard as the enjoy themsselves!), t2S are a bunch of likable folks - just don't offer them all a beer - you'll wind up buying the pub! Image: Big smile
Image: Team AWA banner
Since team2sexy split, there's been a 'new kid' on the block: Team AWA, the official site team for Ambush Wargames; unusually for an Airsoft team, they've managed to secure some rather nifty sponsorship, netting themselves not only elbow and knee protection, but helmets, and eye protection as well; not bad for a brand new team that's under a year old at the time of writing this!
TeamAWA are old hands in Airsofting, though, and the combined experience of the team is extensive, and hard to beat, I suspect. Oh, and on a slightly off-topic note, they appear to be the first team in the UK to equip themselves with an untra-modern 'corporate theme', in that they've adopted MARPAT (MARine PATtern, the new US marines camouflage) as their Team Uniform - and that wasn't an easy task, as genuine (as opposed to the Far Eastern knock-offs) MARPAT is (supposed to be) rather thin on the ground in surplus shops at this time!
Image: Team KMAB banner
The new site for Team KMAB - and no, I'm not expanding on those initials here!
A brand new site, this is how team sites whould be - swift to load, easy to navigate, and as clean and easy to read as possible!
"Jersey Association of Soft Air Gunners"; an interesting site, as it's based on the Island of Jersey (can anyone say "Bergerac", and "Bureau Des Etrangé"? ) - they requested the link, and I'm happy to oblige!
Scarborough Airsoft Club (SAC)
With a very well designed web site (even if they DID use FrongPage - AAAAGH! PTUI!), these guys look like they know how to have fun (with a capital F) - if you're new to web page design, and want to see a good example of how to use macroshaft Frontpuke, go to this site - 10/10 for technical prowess!
Image: Banner of the W.A.S.P.s Team
A southern team, based near Portsmouth, they seem to have a good grip on the essentials of teamwork, and tactical methodology (always a plus in my book!). The web site is technically well designed and presented website; they recently gave the site a massive workover, and the attention shows - excellent work, lads!
Team Spectre
Rather than make my own blurb, here's what they said (with the spelling errors corrected!)...
"I have been asked by Beast to get our webpage linked onto as many sites as possible.
"This is Beasts first attempt at webdesign and is a bit rough. Our site will be cleaned up when the content has been uploaded.
"We plan to regularly update the website by adding a lot of videos, pics, non technical reviews amongst other bits and pieces.
"The link is
"This is a link to both Team Spectre and Spectre War Games (our playing site)"

Glad to oblige, gents!

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