Tokyo Marui AEG Mechbox Ver. 2 Disassembly Instructions Page 3
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(27) The disassembly is mainly finished after you take out the spur gear. It's always good to remember the order of these items. Of course, in case you got confused, image 14 should help out. Of course, you'll need to apply grease when putting the gears back in. Recent technological advances produced some very efficient grease, which not only reduces friction between the gears, but noise as well. Check with your local hardware or hobby stores.

(28) These three gears moves the most inside an AEG. Again, tons of custom gears exist, choose the one that fits your needs the best. Some gears will reduce the ROF in order to compress stiffer spring. Just don't forget to apply grease when you reinstall them. Also, depending on the gear and bushing combo, you'll need different number of shims. Usually the gear's installation manual will mention shim placement. If not, you'll have to try different configurations and find the optimal setting (a time consuming process).
(29)              (30)
(29) (30) You can also simply pull out the trigger unit from the mech box. There's a spring attached on the reverse side, don't lose it.

(31) Leftside view of the trigger. If you can't remember how the spring goes in, take a look at this picture so you can place it back in correctly.

(32) To fully take everything apart, you can also take out this cord stopper. The cord leads to the switch box. Use a pincer to take out the stopper.
(33)              (34)
(33) (34) Before taking out the switch assembly, first remove this spring here. Since it's very small, pay close attention to it. A screw driver is usually good for this.

(35) Flip the mech box over and remove the small screw shown in the picture.

(36) This plate is only held to the mech box by one screw, so just pull it out after you remove the screw.

(37) The switch assembly is also held by only one screw. In this case, us a precision screw driver to remove it.

(38) Now you can remove the switch assembly. AEGs need internal lubrication, but make sure that no lubrication, regardless whether it's grease or silicon oil, gets into this assembly. Also, you can't take this unit apart. However, electrical grease can be applied here.

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