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Why use Magic Pin?

1.Upper receiver and lower receiver would be tight and fit with each other. 2.Gun body stop swaying 3.leak would reduce in between nozzle and mag rubber,so more efficiency


PS for G&P,WE,INOKATSU,AGM,PRIME,KJ Metals receiver not includ wa m4 original Plastic and AEG reciver.

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It's not magic, there is not special magic powder that makes it do that.


Uhm, yeah there is...


Fairy dust. Surely you've heard of it.


Granted, the RA Tech fairy dust isn't as potent as the JP Rifles fairy dust, but for airsoft, it should be enough.





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Zoe: you appear to be posting commercially for RA-TECH / GHK, but haven't sought permission to do so.


As I assume this is out of ignorance rather than being intentional, I'm modifying your status so that everyone understands that you are a commercial user promoting your company's products.


Edit: It's also worth adding that it would be infinitely better (and would secure far more publicity) if commercial posters posted press releases to news@arniesairsoft.co.uk, so that they can appear on the news front page.


Thanks. :)

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Zoe: you appear to be posting commercially for RA-TECH / GHK, but haven't sought permission to do so.

As I assume this is out of ignorance rather than being intentional, I'm modifying your status so that everyone understands that you are a commercial user promoting your company's products.

It'd also be helpful if commercial users posted using a username that reflects their company name. RA-Tech already has a username ("RA-Tech Customer Service"). May I suggest "ZoeTze" change their username to something more appropriate like "RA-Tech Sales" or "RA-Tech Marketing" ... or even simply "RA-Tech" ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's not magic, there is not special magic powder that makes it do that.


It's just smart engineering...


Yea... smart engineering that originated in the USA!





My dad had a Kawasaki Z9 that used pins like this to hold the wheels on.


In 1975.

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