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Classic Army GBBR


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Not sure if anyone caught this, but AATV recently released a bunch of videos from IWA2010. On one of the videos, they talk about the upcoming Classic Army GBBRs.


at around the 6:40 mark. Now the really interesting part is that the "rep" mentions that it will be "very very cheap"...as cheap as "china guns" because GBBRs are so much easier to manufacture than AEGs.


If those things come out around $150-200, and half-way decent, then I'm sure that they'll fly off the shelves.

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Does increased green gas usage increase global warming ?


A reliable GBB from classic army at that price will soon covert everyone to gbbs



The gun purchase price of GBBRs at present is similar to a good quality AEG. The main problems with GBBRs are the magazines. Cost, Capacity and Cooldown.


If I wanted to replace my current AEG skirmish setup, with a GBBR, I would buy a WE rifle for $250 and then seven additional $40 magazines. Total cost: $530. My current load out with a G&P M4 and eight MAG Midcaps cost around $300.


With the GBBR, I would be carrying 240 rounds. With my AEG, I'm carrying 1000+ rounds. BBs are generally pretty ineffective at getting 'kills', especially outdoors. It's nice to have more rounds than are provided by realcaps since it usually takes multiple rounds to get the job done.


I'll admit that cooldown is not a huge issue at present but if we ever see higher capacity mags being released it very well may effect them significantly.


Once someone has designed the weaknesses out of GBBR mags, I will gratefully embrace our new GBB overlords. It will be nice to have a real trigger feel, instant trigger response, realistic weapons operation, and real recoil.

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I have yet to see a truly reliable gas blowback rifle from any manufacturer. Somehow I just can't help but think that if Western Arms, G&P, Inokatsu, Tanio Koba, and WE all were unable to produce a reliable gas blowback rifle than I'm not sure how Classic Army plans to, especially if their basing their internal system on the WA one.


So at this point I'm relatively convinced that this product will be an unreliable wall hanger like every other GBBR and not a real skirmishing tool like a good AEG, but I am still willing to keep my mind open about it and read the reviews when they are released. Who knows, there's always a chance that CA could succeed where everyone else has failed. A small chance, but a chance no less ^_^

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What a *fruitcage* suprise, it is an *generic Americanski assault rifle*.


If they really wanted to make a difference then a GBB G36 / MP5 / AK / G3 / Uzi series gun would be much more of a selling point.


A reliable GBB from classic army at that price will soon covert everyone to gbbs


No it won't, there are too many players with only the bare minimum to spend and a battery and a plasitc AEG is cheaper than a GBBR in metal with a fair few cans of gas to run it on.




EDIT: *generic Americanski assault rifle*



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I really really REALLY want to believe that CA will somehow pull a fast one and surprise us all with a fantastically (real steel) accurate, full metal, reliable gas gun...

The realist in me just keeps going "Don't hold your breath, pal!". This is especially true if they are basing it off of someone else's system. (The WA...) Unless they magically use the same mags, but are mechanically different, this will not happen. CANNOT HAPPEN. Still is nice to dream through.


If they really pull it off somehow it will be a coup. If they offer reliable low cost magazines it will really blow the market open and hopefully foster some price wars and innovation. Right now these rifles are JUUUUUUUUUUUST out of reach of the low-to-middle investment airsofter. (Think about the player with one TM/custom gun and a bunch of clones in their collection.) That is where most of the money is in this sport right now. If CA can offer something other than the bevy of Armalite variants do that would help matters a lot as well, me hopes. I mean I am really heartache depressed that there hasn't been some more G36, MP5, AK, G3 and M14 love to date. THAT would really blow the market open too. Selection.


I guess time will tell if this is a fade or a mainstay selection. Right now, there isn't a single option that is skirmishable out-of-the-box from ANY manufacturer in the GBBR arena. If CA can do at least that (make a reliable gun at real airsofter prices) then they they will see this thing fly. Otherwise...yeah.

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This is good news because at the very least, it'll give some good competition to the more established companies, and maybe lower prices around. That said, I would love to see external rig GBBRs, able to use AEG mags. For me, that kind iof setup would be ideal for any situation.

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This is good news because at the very least, it'll give some good competition to the more established companies, and maybe lower prices around. That said, I would love to see external rig GBBRs, able to use AEG mags. For me, that kind iof setup would be ideal for any situation.

You should look into Escort, Daytona Gun, and Sun Projects. If you've got the money, Daytona Gun will build it for you.


A mid level GBBR would be great I agree. I'm excited to hear about their mags. Hopefully they'll sell them individually.

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Classic Army product enthusiasm has been pretty laidback recently from what ive seen around various forums, maybe this shows a marked change. Although, when i hear marketing statement centering around the word "cheap", the logical part of my brain screams ACM quality.


I really hope WA becomes the "tokyo marui" of gbbrs though, ive spent too much money on the WA system to switch to something new, even if its more reliable :P

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