SWAT Airsoft BIG GAME 2002 “The Battle of Halkyn Forest”
written by
- Saturday, January 26, 2002

Brief details
Background Story

Brief details Richard Wynne of SWAT Airsoft has sent in some news about a large Airsoft event that they are hosting. The brief details are:

  • Dates: June 28, 29, 30
  • Location: SWAT Airsoft (Halkyn, North Wales)
  • Green’s Fee: 25 Pounds for the entire weekend (Club SWAT Members get in free)
  • Capacity: 300 player maximum limit
  • Reservations: Players are asked to make reservations (10 Pound deposit) to ensure a place [top]


  • Sleeping: Camping will be allowed on site with indoor toilets and showers available, for interested there is a Travel Lodge and a B&B just at the entrance to the site.
  • Food: There is a Little Chef located at the entrance to the site, but a burger van has been arranged to be on site for those who want to spend more on airsoft than food.
  • Hire Equipment: There will be at least 20 AEG’s and 100 sets of camo/masks/gloves available for hire. Make your reservations early to ensure you get what you need.
  • Retail: SWAT Retail will be available with stock to support your airsoft needs, to include plenty of springer sidearms, batteries and BB’s.
  • Administration: Safe areas have overhead cover and there will be free battery charging stations available for player use. There will be plenty of car park space for everyone.[top]


Friday (June 28th) Half Day

Site opens at noon for an “Airsoft Market”
-Airsoft and Military Surplus vendors will be invited to have stalls -Players are encouraged to participate in an airsoft “car-boot sale”

Team Leadership and Marshalling Staff will have a final planning meeting to cut admin time for Saturday to a minimum.

Players on site will be encouraged to participate in “volunteer” work to complete site preparation for the event. Some informal skirmishing may occur.

Saturday (June 29th) Skirmish Day One

A full day of skirmishing with interrelated scenarios, where the outcome affects the progress of the day. Expected to last until after dark for people to try their night-fighting skills.

Sunday (June 30th) Skirmish Day Two

Carrying on from the results of Day One, a day of skirmishing completed with a dramatic closing ceremony and photo shoot.[top]

Background Story

In the 21st Century technology continued to develop at an incredible pace and with it political boundaries changed every day. The European Union stood as a leading member of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. The world moved closer to a single global economy and central government. Hunger, disease and poverty were on the decline.

But not everyone saw this as benevolent progress. Across the globe small businesses were crushed by multi-national corporations in the name of the world market, civil liberties were suspended for public safety, cultural diversity was discouraged to prevent hate crimes, religious organizations were persecuted as havens for dangerous extremists. In the democratic nation of the world, some people spoke out against the swift changes in society but to no effect. Civil disobedience was ineffectual under the new governmental powers drafted to fight terrorism. The most vocal of the non-violent protest groups were quickly identified as terrorist sympathizers and incarcerated. There was little hope for the average person to affect the course of history.

One day, that changed.

The giant empire of globalization had one fatal flaw to be exploited, the reliance on technology. A group of renegade programmers created a particularly nasty computer virus, designed to completely destroy the computer networks of the world. With the destruction of the Internet, World War III was declared. Economies crashed, governments ceased to function, sophisticated weapons systems were rendered useless and mass chaos ensued with public disorder widespread. Dissident groups across the world armed themselves and began a struggle for independence before the world powers could recover.

“The Battle of Halkyn Forest”

In the hills of North Wales, local population sieze control of the area, executing government officials and declaring Cambria a free state. The
European Union Security Forces (EUSF) are deployed to regain control of the area with minimum support due to major force commitments in other theatres of the crisis. Company sized elements of light infantry engage in guerrilla warfare for control of the area. [top]


Cambrian Militia: Commanded by Captain Richard Wynne
European Union Security Forces: Commanded by Captain Tom Andrews [top]

Internal Links: TBA

External Links: SWAT Airsoft

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Last modified: Saturday, January 26, 2002 6:00 PM Copyright 2001 ArniesAirsoft