Home Manufacturer News Hakkotsu Thunder B videos

Hakkotsu Thunder B videos

by Arnie

Derek Leung (www.hakkotsu.com) has sent in some demo videos concerning their Thunder B product:

Hello My friends,

Maybe you should heard about our new invented Airsoft Thunder B Grenade Before,

Some user may worry about the safety of using our Thunder B, here we attached youtube video to show you Thunder B is very safe

However, the safety tests are danger. They are presented by our profession trainer.

We do not encourage people to follow him, we will not responsible for any injuries that caused by following his action

Hand Blow

Vest Blow

Chest Blow x 2

Best Regards, Derek Leung, Pioneer Rich Technology Development Ltd
Tel: (852) 2409 4466 Fax: (852) 2409 9632
E-mail: sales@hakkotsu.com
Website: www.hakkotsu.com

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