Guarder MOD II Vest
by Comega - Team AWA
Stock Specifications
  • Made of 100% DuPont Cordura(R) 1000 Denier.
  • Highest quality ITW Nexus(R) side release buckles and Stimpson(R) snap fasteners.
  • Fully modular design. Compatible with all the M.O.D. pouches.
  • Including four M16 rifle magazine pouches, one M249 200 round pouch, one buttpack.
RRP: 135 USD  
Weight 1650g
Item # V-06C(WC)

Click here to visit Guarder

Whether you are completely happy with your current static vest or not is beside the point. Modular vests are the way forward .. or are they ?

With the ever growing range of Guarder kit I feel it might be wise to clarify some of the names designated to the different Guarder Vests. There seems to be a bit of confusion on the different Airsoft forums I have been reading as to which is what when referred to by the Guarder names.

The Guarder MOD II Vest is a replica of the Us Army MOLLE II Issue FLC (fighting load carrier) and is one of Guarder's latest little gems. The MOD I Vest is a copy of the Ranger RACK and the MOD Armour is a replica of the INTERCEPTOR OTV. The Guarder MODULAR vest is something totally different and is similar to the Omega range of the BlackHawk Vests. Hope that clears things up a bit.

What is MOLLE ? The Modular Lightweight Load-Carrying Equipment known as MOLLE is a modular load bearing system designed to enhance the survivability and lethality of the modern Soldier and Marine. The MOLLE is a completely modular system that is worn, rather than carried, and which allows for tailorability for improved mission efficiency without compromising mobility or readiness.

Molle I v/s Molle II ?
The bits that effect are us the FLC changes.

Fighting Load Carrier (FLC): The FLC replaces the Load Bearing Vest of the original MOLLE system. The FLC rides higher on the user abdomen and allows for a better tailor-ability of pockets to the users specific needs.

The waist belt is adjusted by removing the vertical stiffened webbing located on the back of the vest and adjusting as needed. The FLC also features two very convenient map pouches on the inside of the vest.

When the load-bearing vest was part of the initial MOLLE issue in 1999, it featured a complex socket system that connected the vest to the pack and was designed to help distribute weight to a Soldier's hips. That vest was quickly scrapped, as was the socket system, and a new load--bearing vest was issued with Molle 2. The redesigned vest no longer attaches to the pack, but is still generally disliked by the Marines in the field as they tend to attach their pouches directly onto the body armour.

This new vest sits higher on the user abdomen allowing room for the fixed waistbelt of the Pack Frame. Webbing Channels located on the vest allow for positioning of all MOLLE Compatible pockets, to the wearer’s specific needs. The incorporated waistbelt also allow for the positioning of all MOLLE pockets. Adjustments are made by using the 2 vertical 1-½ inch webbing’s on the back of the vest and the 1-inch webbing’s in the chest area of the vest.

More information about the changes can be found here.

Guarder MOD II ? The Guarder MOD II Vest is made of 100% DuPont Cordura(R) 1000 Denier and features very highly quality side release buckles and snap fasteners. The general build of this vest feels much better then their original MOD I (The Rack replica..) vest, this is rather odd as they are both made of the same material though this one does feel a bit more stiffer and heavier when comparing the vests.

New Guarder kit all nicely packaged with the cordura and Intrudershop tags on the left.
On the right is the Guarder MOD II in one of the many different set-up's.

When comparing the quality of the pouches side by side with Speciality Defense (the company which makes the Issue MOLLE kit) Guarder's version does visually look and feel of a higher quality.

The great thing about this vest like any MOLLE system is that it can be configured how YOU like it, people with the generic vests often find that they usually don't have enough pockets or have too many. If you feel that you will only be using a pistol on the day you can simply rip off all other pouches leaving only a couple of pistol pouches. This can also work for dedicated grenadiers, you can customize this vest with only grenade pouches and hence creating your very own grenadier vest. Once you have the pouches, "your imagination is the only limit".

Incase you were wondering, the woodland pattern on guarder vests is very accurate.
You can also get this and almost all other Guarder vests in Olive Drab or black, incase you feel that the us woodland is not to your taste.

The Pouches When you purchase this vest of the shelf or via the website of your favorite retailer you will get with it the following pouches :

4 x M16 Magazines - $30
1 x M249 200 round pouch - Not for sale as an optional pouch at time of writing
1 x butt pack - Not for sale as an optional pouch at time of writing

You also can purchase additional pouches to add and play around with your set-up.

100 Round M249 Pouch - $24 / £14
Medic/Utility Pouch - $24 / £14
40mm Double Grenade Pouch - $24 / £14
9mm Pistol Magazine Pouch/Knife Pouch - $ 15 / £9
Grenade Pouch - $24 / £14
Saber Radio Pouch - $30 / £18
Leg Bag - $45 / £27
Canteen Pouch - $30 / £18

One thing to remember is that all new modular pockets on the SPEAR System, AIRSAVE aviators survival vest, Marine MOLLE, and Army Modular System (MLS) are compatible with this vest. Which means that you can often buy spare pouches from your surplus stores / ebay / online retailers which might work out cheaper then buying the official guarder accessory pouches. It can even take the old ALICE webbing with the alice clips though it will not feel as secure. You can also attach the pouches you get with vest directly onto your MOD Body Armor and not use the FLC at all !

Guarder has also released a few new pouches with the launch of this vest so those of you who invested in the Guarder MOD I and felt that the optional accessories were a bit less you now can also have the option of buying all the existing MOLLE Issue pouches made by guarder.

M16 Magazine Pouch - Takes 2 m16 hicaps, has a dual closing function. Velcro and a snap fastener. Usually you will end up using just the velcro to keep your mag pouches closed but its good to know there is another option. Also worth pointing out is the little piece of cordura that has been put on the top of the magazine pouch lid, to make it a bit harder wearing.

Medic / Utility pouch - Useful for storing bb's, batteries, small sized tools that you don't want flying around as it closed via a zipper.

40mm Double Grenade pouches - Fits the Moscart BB shower / 24 round or the CAW grenades - do note that they are open (although tapered) at the bottom don't put in anything that might slip thru. This also features the velcro and snap fastener dual closing system.

9mm Pistol magazine pouch / knife pouch - Takes pretty much any standard GBB pistol mag, not sure about the some more exotic ones such as the infinity ones. These feature only the snap fastener closing system.

Grenade pouch - Fits the Enola Gaye / PDL BB Grenades without the problem. Not quite sure which closing system these pouches have as I don't have one handy at the moment.

Canteen Pouch - takes the standard US issue canteen without any problems. This features a fastex buckle release system.

Butt pack - The Guarder Butt pack is actually the MOLLE II Waist pack and has a strip of velcro on the outside of the cover for some reason. I haven't been able to figure out as of yet what exactly that is for.. suggestions on a postcard ? This features a dual fastex buckle release system along with a draw string cover - good for keeping things dry.


Saber Radio Pouch - Can either be used as a pistol holster for the medium sized pistols (Beretta 92f, CZ 75 etc) or for a .. full size radio - you could use it for a smaller radio but it wont hold it very well for obvious reasons. Features a snap and a fastex buckle release system.

Leg Bag - Even though this was designed for the original MOD I Vest I feel it has a very important role to play. It is the perfect magazine dump bag - after a few customizations. You can use it how it is for various items like a gas mask or large smokes but what I have done with mine is put a slight slit on the top of it and use it to dump used magazine's into. Its deep enough to not throw them back out while running and is a worth while investment. Features a velcro and fastex buckle release system.

100 / 200 round M249 Magazine pouches - The 100 round mag pouch takes 5 M16 hicaps all stacked up without any movement and holds them well. The large can be either used for a M249 box mag if you have one or for just general storage of slightly larger items. These feature a velcro and a fastex buckle release system.

Conclusion While the quality of MOLLE kit might have a bad reputation / disliked in the real steel environment due to its failings in one thing or another you must remember that these are real steel operators, their mags are a lot heavier and so is the kit they carry, no matter how dedicated a Airsofter you are, your needs (in terms of durability and quality) will not likely match those of a real steel operator. Airsofters have not been using the MOLLE kit for very long those who I have spoken too at various game sites across the UK seem to have nothing but praise for the kit. I have performed most of the general weight / rain / heat tests I could think off to my Guarder kit and it has come out on top of the Speciality Defense kit every time - I am more then happy to welcome suggestions of tests to perform to test the true capability of the guarder kit.

I have always liked the ability to customise the placement of my pouches because what might work well with you might not work with me at all. With the recent popularity of modular vests which can be literally tailored and laid out as to how the wearer prefers, guarder have stepped up once again and have presented us airsofters with another brilliant and cost effective option - The MOD II.

No review is complete without the customary posed pictures of the kit

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Last modified: Monday, July 7, 2003 10:01 PM Copyright 2003 ArniesAirsoft