GuayGuay G19 metal barrel
by Shing Yan L. (aka Guts80)
Stock Specifications

Just got this part today and had some mix feelings on it. Call it ambivalence. Anyhow, on with my mini review.

Packaging: The package is quite simple, consisting of a small bag with the threaded barrel, and another smaller zip lock bag holding the thread adapter. There was a piece of paper with G&G's logo printed on it and their e-mail (I suppose) printed on the back (btw, it's

The Outer barrel: The first thing I noticed about the outer barrel was, how light it was! The material and density of the outer barrel was strikingly similar to the metal outer barrel as found on the KJW Glock 27 Full Metal Version. It was a little too light for my taste, and because of this, resulted in cycling problem which I'll mention later on. The finish is extremely well done and is not easily scoffed or scratched off.

The material of the outer barrel seems to be made of aluminum (thus the low weight), and the paint finish seems to have this pixilation, shinny luster to it. Yet again, is quite similar to the finish on the KJW G27 FMV's outer barrel. An interesting note is that the cut for the inner barrel placement is longer than the OEM's outer barrel (and even the metal outer barrel for the matter).

At the business end of the outer barrel there is a clock wise thread to allow installation for the suppressor adaptor.

The suppressor adapter: This piece is made of metal and again, quite light (probably made of aluminum). The smaller end of the adapter screws on the threaded outer barrel, while the larger diameter part (14mm to be specific) allows a suppressor to be screwed on. When I first bought this at the shop, I was told that the tread was Counter-Clockwise (aka negative). However much to my dismay, it seems to actually be a clockwise thread (aka positive).

Installation/Performance/Problems: At first I thought it would be a breeze, being just a matter of swapping out my regular metal outer barrel with the threaded outer barrel and attaching the thread adapter. However this was not to be the case.

The O-ring located on the inner barrel needs to be removed when inserting it into the threaded barrel. Although at first it wobbled, the thread adapter secured the inner barrel in place. Nothing really major here.

Once I installed the threaded outer barrel correctly, I processed to rack the slide, expecting everything to go alright; but this was not to be. Pulling the slide back did require a bit more force, but I thought this could be easily remedy with a little filing and sanding. As I released the slide, I found that it got stuck at the half way point, requiring me to wiggle the barrel up and down to allow the slide to return to battery. I repeated this test with the same results; having the slide stuck while returning to battery.

Puzzled, I took out the outer barrel and filed the usual areas the causes these 'lock ups'. Most notable was the 'locking ledge' on the outer barrel and the area which the 'locking ledge' contacts on the slide when the gun is being racked. After some careful filing, I figured everything should be fine, but the problem still persisted. After some careful observation, I found that due to the outer barrel being too light, the rear end of the outer barrel rode too high, resulting in the slide not being able to return to battery (never had this problem with my heavier, regular metal outer barrel, or on the 3 Glock 19 which I installed the metal slide kit).

With this in mind, I realized that by adding a suppressor, I would just be enhancing this issue. So now I have a threaded barrel that has cycling issue even without a suppressor (kinda ironic if you ask me). Oh and do have to say that relatively speaking, this threaded barrel was EXPENSIVE. My metal slide kit (which includes a metal outer barrel) was 41 USD while the threaded barrel was 41 USD.

Conclusion: The outer barrel finish and make is top notch, but it doesn't do it's job; which is allowing a suppressor to be mounted on the gun. Hopefully with some more filling and fiddling around, I'll get this threaded barrel to work.

by Shing Yan L. (aka Guts80)


6/10 Nothing Fancy. Just like how you would get most small aftermarket parts.


9/10 Top notch. High quality finish and construction, just as you would expect from G&G.

Worth it?

As of right now, no. However this may change once I tinker with it long enough.

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Last modified: Saturday, August 16, 2003 5:49 PM Copyright 2003 ArniesAirsoft