First taste: Sausage 'n wedges

By Arnie

Stock Specifications

400g high calorific meal
Self heating
Non toxic heating element
No refigeration needed
Sealed food pack
Long shelf life
Non toxic fumes, no smoke

RRP 4 pack £15.75
12 pack £41.50

Soo, HotCan eh? What is it you ask? Well the premise is simple, it's a self heating can of food. In short.. a mini miracle really. :)

"...Thanks to our tried and tested process, HOTCAN ® means you can enjoy an excellent, piping hot, properly balanced meal - no outside source of heat is required.

Just by following 3 easy steps, in 12-15 minutes you will have a delicious hot meal in front of you which can be eaten straight out of its container.

Simple, quick and easy to use, HOTCAN ® represents a real breakthrough in the ready prepared food market. Whether you are at your place of work or leisure, from now on you can enjoy a hot, well balanced meal which has all the gourmet touches of great prepared cuisine..." HotCan

Now in my searches for culinary perfection whilst out and about I've tried pretty much anything when I've been out in the back of beyond. I've tried dehydrated packs, MREs, British MOD rat packs, outdoor food and all manner of emergency rations. To be honest all of them have drawbacks and there's almost always a trade off between packing weight and the shelflife/taste.

Now lets face it in a survival situation most of us would eat anything, but given that most Airsofters don't play games that are that realistic I think we can be a bit choosey and go for something that's a bit more practical and suited to our needs.

To be fair the idea of self heating is not that new, way back in 1939 the military had a reasonably similar system where a can was heated with burning cordite. For some odd reason they were withdrawn from military service along with the mil-spec glow in the dark watches of that decade. ^_^

A similar design to HotCan was seen when Nestlé launched the 'Hot When you Want' Thematic (Coffee) Can back in 2001. Sadly Nestlé have now withdrawn the 'Hot When you Want' product due to lack of interest and the high cost of production.

In this review we'll look at how the HotCan works, the mechanism involved, the physics of the system, and it's applications as both an outdoor nourishment, emergency food and its applications with regards to Airsoft. In this first review I'm specifically looking at the "Sausages 'N wedges" can, there are actually 12 different flavours in all.

How it works: Under the red rubber lid of the tin you'll find what looks like a bent nail (8). You use this to pierce the holes in the outer jacket and start the heating process.

The relative components here are lime and water, simple and easy to follow. When you pierce the lid the water mixes with the lime and an exothermic reaction takes place.

The reaction heats the can to around 65degC in roughly 12 minutes. If you really want to wait around for that long the can will retain it's heat for about 60 minutes.

  1. Water
  2. Lime (calcium oxide)
  3. Standard size tin of food
  4. Clamp which hermetically seals the ring shaped compartment containing the lime and water.
  5. Easy opening system
  6. Heat insulator
  7. Waterproof separator
  8. Perforating device

"Smokin'!" The guidelines are printed on the back of the can, and it's all really easy to follow, but for anyone that prefers a clearer explanation in text and some more shots here's how you heat this puppy up:

1. Remove the plastic lid and place it on the bottom of the can so that it supports the can and holds it off the surface (lid placed open end upwards with can on top).

2. With the spike found under the lid poke it through the three holes you find in the rim of the can. Be sure to stab the pin all the way down.

3. Lift the pull ring to the vertical position to open the food can itself.

4. Stir the contents throughout the heating process.

5. Your food is ready to nosh down after roughly 12 minutes of heating.

Health and safety: For those interested in the health and safety specifics here's the Health and Safety sheet as printed on the HotCan website.


'Hotcan' ® Self-heating meals

Intended use To provide a 400g high nutritional meal at a temperature of above 65ºC to persons operating away from conventional methods of cooking or heating food.
Operating time The 'Hotcan' ®, after the spike has pierced the water bag and allowed water to contact the limestone granules, will start the reaction and the limestone begins to give off heat. Normal ambient cooking time is approximately 12-15 minutes to achieve 65-70ºC in the inner food can. The reaction will keep the food hot for a period of approximately 45 minutes after activation.
Hazard Classification Non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-pyrotechnic. Not classified as dangerous under UK Carriage, Packing and Loading Regulations.
Composition Sterile 400g food can with easy-open end, wrapped with a composite aluminium foil water bag positioned in an outer can by the use of a plastic location and sealing ring filled with a measure of granular limestone of three types. Seamed end on outer can to complete air-tight construction. Wrapped with a thermal insulator to protect operator from heat while handling and further wrapped with a plastic label. Finally a metal spike is placed on the top of the can and a plastic sealing cap positioned.
Safety of use/handling Not a fire hazard, does not contain any toxic components. Requires the top cap of the product to be placed on the bottom end of the 'Hotcan' ® to protect hands from heat source during operation. This product gets hot during use.
Shelf Life Three years from manufacturing date, or as indicated on printed bottom end of can.
Storage At ambient temperature in a rust-free environment.
Packaging 4 or 12 x 860g cans packed per outer carton.
Quality & environmental certification
Hotcan UK Limited operates Quality Management and Environmental Systems that have gained certifications

BS EN ISO 9001: 2000
Certificate number GB9189

BS EN ISO 14001; 1996
Certificate number GB9285

Health Mark Approval Code

It is the policy of Hotcan UK Limited to maintain the highest standards in the manufacture and supply of its products and to the service provided to its customers
Emergency measures

Spillage: None of the components are toxic and can be washed off safely using cold water.

Disposal: The packaging is recyclable where recycling facilities exist or may be disposed of safely via normal waste handling processes.

Fire: Non-flammable.

The taste: The good thing about the HotCan system is that the food is basically fairly standard tinned product, so not dissimilar from your standard tin of Heinz version of Beans and Wedges for example. The good news is that as it's tinned there's no need for preservatives or additives, if you check the ingredients for each tin you'll see that there's no hidden oddities, or in the case of mil-spec ration packs additions that may affect your natural dietary"rhythm".

So how does it taste? Well it's difficult to put such things into words, but I'll do my best:

- The sausages are not the cheaper hotdog style, instead are more like your average British sausage, quite chunky and lacking that really processed texture that some styles can have. The sausages are quite tasty, but it's important that you stir the can well throughout the heating process to ensure that the sausages are heated up well, as they're quite large.

- The potato wedges are again a nice surprise, they didn't come across as being tastelessly soggy which to be frank was a nice surprise, I expected the potato to be rather anemic. The wedges also have real skins on then which really adds to the flavour and helps distance it from cheaper food stuffs.

- Lastly there's the beans, most of us have been students at some point in our lives; I'm no exception so I'm somewhat familiar with baked beans in all their varieties. The beans here certainly aren't like the cheap 9p tins you can get at the supermarket, the sauce is actually thick and flavorsome. All in all top marks here.

To be honest for instant heated food it's about the best I've had so far.. no real need for pepper or salt to make it taste a bit more palatable, and as the tin contents are recognisable.

As there's a nice variety available from HotCan you can pretty much choose something you'll enjoy even if you're a bit picky about your food - I'll eat just about anything myself.

Applications: Applications for the HotCan are incredibly wide ranging, a food with a long shelf life and the ability to heat itself on its own is obviously incredibly useful. I know that the cans have best before dates listed on them, but to be honest I'm pretty sure the food inside would still be edible way beyond the date on the can.. that's if you can put off the temptation just to grab one out the box because you're too lazy to cook at home and want to avoid the washing up.

Airsoft skirmishes: Lets face it the average Airsofter isn't the most active of folk when it comes to meal time. You're either out for a laugh at the weekend, or you're simply knackered after a day of running around with all the gear on.

Either way, here's a food that can be heated up and eaten almost anywhere. No need to send the designated driver off to the curry house, no wait, no gas, no flames just simple hot food in 12 minutes. If you're in a tent just remember that although there's no flames or burning involved in heating the tin it does get very hot, especially the bottom, so don't melt a hole through your ground sheet.

Camping/Outdoor: If you're on foot it's perhaps not the best idea in the world to carry lots of these, at 800g per tin (400g of that being the food content) you're looking at at least 2kg in tinned food alone per day. For the odd trip of 1-2 days there's perhaps no need to carry a separate heating source for the food, although you might need one for making hot drinks anyway. Remember the weight of the HotCans is not necessarily a bad thing (as stated it reduces taking heating equipment and plates etc), but always keep the total weight in mind, remember that although your pack might be manageable loaded up at home it feels a whole lot different in the pouring rain with aching feet after a 7-10 mile hike.

Curiosities: Just a few things that I came across when testing the cans out for the first time, some humorous, some just interesting points:

Heating pops: As the tin heats it does sound rather like a kettle giving the odd pop and fizzle (water boiling I guess). This is honestly quite weird to hear from a can that's basically sitting on it's own not plugged into the mains on a kitchen surface.

Warped inner tin: Curiously the after getting to the bottom of the tin (yup ate the lot, and jolly nice it was too) I noticed that a few curious bends have appeared in the tin wall (photo seen inset).

Nothing to be worried about, there's holes at the top to ensure that there's no pressure build up in the heating jacket, but it just goes to show how effective the heating system is. My straight guess is that as the tin is fixed in place and unable to move it warps itself inside as it heats up and expands. Please note that in the shots shown I've washed out the inside. I'm a tidy bugger after all. ^_^

Outer jacket: The outer label for the HotCan system actually doubles as an insulating foam (plastic foam about 3mm thick), and affords rather good heat protection allowing you to carry and handle the can without burning yourself.

If you pack these for a long trip you might want to ensure that the label doesn't rip off and disappear, or you'll have to invent some way of holding the can without it.

I normally have some decent heat-resistant nomex gloves on me anyway when I'm out and about, but if you're packing these tins in a Landie or some other "inferior" (ahem) non-British 4x4, you'll probably have some decent gloves in the rear just for changing tires etc.

One other really minor point of note was that I never spotted any lettering on the tin to identify the contents if the label should go walkies. If it really bothers you (perhaps a potential allergy problem, or you just don't like canned surprises) and you're packing them for the day sometime in the not so near future when you might just need them, just write the contents on the metal lid with a black magi-marker. I know it may sound silly, but if you pack food for a real emergency you might as well cover all your bases.

Conclusion: It's a gadget that is not only useful but has numerous applications; all in all it really is a winner. Now if only they invented a self cooling can of beer!

Trade and Emergency Services Customers: Please note that the price and product information contained we have here is relative only for retail sales in UK.

Trade and Emergency Services customers can send send contact details direct to and they will contact you with their trade brochure. Alternatively you can phone, fax or post your enquiry to the numbers shown below:

Hotcan UK Limited, Unit 7, Carrwood Road, Chesterfield Trading Estate, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 9QB
Tel: (01246) 26 89 88 - Fax: (01246) 45 10 46 - Email:

External Links: HotCan

Site links: TBA

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Last modified: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:40 PM Copyright 2003 ArniesAirsoft