Stats: Full
gun name: Strayer Voight Infinity Prokiller Mark II F6
Mine as you can see from the pics is custom, First of all there is a Shooters Design metal slide on it. The slide lock, safety, fire selector, and extended mag well (not included as stock) are all polished. Barrel is a nice chromed silver color, straight from the factory. I also installed a Guarder Reinforced loading nozzle and a Guarder stainless steel chamber with Barsto markings on it. This makes the gun really full metal, most people neglect the chamber, which IMO really adds to the nice metal content in the sounds as you cock it. Pure goodness.
The grip could be more comfortable, (like with all the SVs), I am not particularly fond of the spike design that does not sit comfortably in my hands when I'm not wearing gloves. The slide action is VERY Smooth, no clicks and clacks whatsoever as you pull the slide back slowly (unlike my glocks) and this helps alot during firing. Even with the metal slide installed the recoil spring is more than enough to cycle it, very fast too. The beavertail is removed I guess due to the full auto mechanism, the standard safety works fine, its a bit more easy to toggle than the standard safety, because this one is not connected to the other side since the it is replaced with a fire selector. The extended slide release helps out alot during reloads so does the huge mag well that you can get for about $15.00. So far the gun has never misfired on the designated firing mode that was set. (IE: firing full auto on semi, vice versa, etc.) The rear bomar sight is adjustable and very solid piece of work, this is the only SVF that comes with the bomar adjustable sight, the others come with the non adjustable two dot rear sight. The front sight is located on the compensator which helps it because its not on the slide that is rocking back and forth.
Performance: I got it chrono'd, average was about 320FPS with .2g and HFC22. High was 340 and low was 295 (because of cool down I guess). I also did the coke can test, it went through both sides using hfc22. With hfc134a it went through one side and dent the other. I used .2g for these tests. The rate of fire on this thing is very fast, about ~900-1000 RPM. I chronoed it once while it was on full auto and it made the chronograph go crazy and it gave me 789 FPS, heh. ^_^ During firing, the gun's action is smooth, with no jams whatsoever, the full auto action is excellent. Compared to my old G18 its flawless. The selector is solid and rigid and does not accidently flip. Accuracy is excellent, the barrel length is longer than my GBB SMG's!! on semi it performs just like any WA SV, very good accuracy and groupings. On full auto if you can control the recoil you can get average accuracy, you can hit a human target fairly easily at about 30-60ft away on full and about 60-90ft on semi. Max range would be about ~150ft I guess (on hfc22) Note: I forgot to add...the SVF's magazine that comes with the BLUE loading follower is NOT equipped with the NLS (No Leak System) so you cannot fire upside down or at an angle, and it also causes a bit of cooldown, more than regular SV mags. So keep that in mind, but easy fix, just buy a regular Hicap mag. Internals: Field stripping the gun cannot be done without using the hex tool, you have to remove two hex screws in order to get the compensator off, after that its just like any other SV, you line up the slide lock lever and push it out, then the slide goes right off. The internals are same for all the PK SVFs, and some parts are interchangable with the original WA SV/.45 parts. So spare parts are easily obtainable. The design of the full auto mechanism is a very nice piece of work, since it is located in the frame instead of the slide, the overall simplicity of the design adds to its reliability. (unlike my old G18cs, which all broke down in a matter of months) The ONLY complaint I have for this gun is that the hammer spring seems a bit weak, but thats probably because of the full auto mechanism.
Comment on this review in the forums Last modified: Monday, February 10, 2003 6:34 PM Copyright 2003 ArniesAirsoft