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Airsoft related musings.

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What Pistols are people reading about?

Anyone who knows me through the forums will know I run the JustPistols website.   One interesting aspect of doing so is that it gives me an insight (to a degree) into which pistols people are interested in reading about.   Although the free web stats system I use (addfreestats) is a little flawed, the following are the top 11 reviews so far this year (end of May) based on page visits.   TM Glock 17 Tanaka Super Redhawk (Suspicious) TM 1911A1 Tanaka Luger TM Desert Eagle Hardkick



The end is nigh...

Well, we now have a definitive date for the introduction of the part of the Violent Crime Reduction Act that will forbid the import, manufacture or sale of airsoft replicas (As RIFs) to anyone without a valid defence.   There is a suggestion of a defence for skirmishers, although how it will applied (in terms of will you get an ARU raid and THEN have to spend months getting your stuff back by PROVING you are a skirmisher?) and how it will be defined (Exactly what do the LAW see as a skirmishe



Watch this (or rather THAT) space!

My recent real-steel experience inspired a bit of a revival in my enthusiasm for airsoft and I've picked up a few new items to review.   First off, I got a Tanaka SIG P226 - Having just fired a real SIG P226 and having seen one of these beauties only once before, it seemed more than coincidence when this appeared for sale on the forum and just down the road from my home, so I had to have it. With a WA Magna Blowback system and HW material, it makes the stock TM gun look rather ordinary, but I



Airsoft Vs Real Steel

I was recently in the US and went to a shooting range.   Last time I did this, some years ago, I hadn't even heard of airsoft, so it was interesting to compare real steel with airsoft.   I fired a SIG P226, which I've also handled in airsoft form.   My experience of handling airsoft handguns was pretty useful in terms of handling, operation, grip and general confidence with the gun.   There were, however, a few notable areas where the real thing deviated greatly from airsoft.   1)



Where do they go?

Having been mooching around the forums now for a few years, I notice a definite pattern.   Some people are extremely active on a forum for some length of time and then vanish.   Some, like HissingSid, go involuntarily, but others just seem to fade away.   GhostRider and HardcoreMitsuko fall into this category. There was a time where a day didn't pass without a flurry of postings (usually quite interesting - A feminine view, especially, was a novelty), but they seem to have moved onto ot



Long Time, No Blog

Is it me or is it much quieter on Arnies this time of year?   It's not just Arnies either, I mooch around ASCUK and AirsoftRetreat a fair bit, too, and they seem very quiet.   I guess airsofters aren't that hardy a bunch, they're all waiting for it to warm up before getting out their kit and going off skirmishing or maybe it's something to do with the VCR (Violent Crime pR stunt) Act?   I've noticed a lot of big sell offs recently, always with seemingly good reasons, but I wonder if the



Laptops? Who for - Geoff Capes?

I was looking for a laptop PC.   I wanted something that I'd use occassionally, not a full blooded desktop replacement or (God forbid) an 'Entertainment Laptop'!   What's that about? I want a laptop to be TINY - Sony's little Vaios would be ideal, but they're insanely expensive (£1799 for the new one - When an equivalently specced bigger laptop's about £799 and a desktop about fourpence and a bag of chips!) - but no, some loony thinks I want it to weigh about 4KG, have a 17" Widescreen dis



We need more Powerrrrrrrrr! (No apology to Scotty)

What is it with this obsession with power?   In particular, why are so many people messsing their boxers over this, admittedly quite nice sounding, Chinese L96 replica?   For some, sure, it's the fact it's an L96 replica (sort of), but many are saying "Cor, it does 540 fps for sure", "No, no, it's 560!", "I heard it was 750 with .12gs!".   OK in some places in the States, you're duty bound by the Constitution to hurt your fellow airsofter ("I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig. Weeeeee



Musing on my Paintballing experience...

... I got to chatting with James Kenton, the Technical Editor of Airsoft International and a man who knows his way around a skirmish field (which I'll make no pretence to do so myself).   I was saying to him how the seemingly unlimited amount of ammunition made the whole event rather dull.   Someone had said to me beforehand that they'd been paintballing and had to attack fort over open ground. They sent in a wave of attackers (they said) as sacrificial lambs and then waited until the defe



Jumping Jack Flash (Yes, it's about Gas!)

A common thread that arises on the forums is "Can my Wakahashi Beretta M92BP take Green gas safely?"   The answer is always "YES" and "No"...   Let's start with "NO" - No gas gun, especially a GBB can use any gas without causing wear - All metal, TM, whatever, if you want a pristine GBB in a year's time, just plain don't use it...   Certainly SOME GBBs seem to have less problem with higher pressure gasses (and that pretty much means all the Propane based ones, regardless of how they are br



Flavour of the Month

I never cease to be amazed how the next gun from company X is 'gonna be the best airsoft eva!'.   Sure things evolve and the TM 1911 WAS a big step forward for quality and price, but was their rather lukewarm Hi-Capa? Or the SIG P226?   Don't get me wrong, neither's a bad gun and the market was crying out for a good P226 (I can't see there's a huge demand for another Glock 17, though, TM-san...), but they really weren't THAT great.   However, for months before (and for months after) the fo




OK - Back from Paintballing.   Went to the Fort Bravo complex near the M25/A3 junction run by Delta Force.   Most things were run quite well and the complex seemed reasonably well set out, although a number of very cool things on the website didn't seem to be there when we arrived (A Bus, for instance), but that might have been our confusuion.   8 of us went and we ended up spending £265 on EXTRA paintballs (which I thought was quite a lot, but wasn't horrendous).   You don't really get




Tomorrow I'm going...PAINTBALLING!   We originally bought the day for my Daughter's 14th Birthday party, but she wimped out and is having a 'hot tub' party tonight instead...   Everyone tells me it'll be fun, but to expect lots of bruises.   As I've come down with a stinking cold today, I'm not sure I'm really looking forward to it as much as I might, but it'll be an experience, no doubt.   I'll post back tomorrow to let you know how I got on - assuming I can type!   Cheers.



Pah... Resolved!

A week or so back I posted in exaspertion at the reliability of GBBs.   The Tanaka Browning Hi-Power mag had sprung a massive leak, the MGC Glock was double feeding like mad and the Beretta Tactical Elite wouldn't cycle with the buffered mag it comes with.   First step was to disassemble the Tanaka HP mag and soak the big seal between the mag base and the mag walls in Power Assisted Steering fluid - Buy some of this stuff (Any brand!), it's fantastic for reviving dead O-Rings, etc. After a w



The VCR Bill 'exemption'

Everyone's very excited about the 'exemption' that is being granted to airsofters, but I can't help but err on the side of caution.   The wording of the letter seems positive and it's hard to imagine that there was any need to offer an olive branch of hope, only to whip it away later - the airsoft community really doesn't have that much influence, I fear.   However, the proposal that the bill will be passed and then airsofters will be offered a regulatory get-out deal does mean that we will



Topics guaranteed to ###### me off!

There are a few topics that crop up over and over which are guaranteed to strain my usual inexhaustable patience   These usually follow one of the following trends :   1)I hate f*ing Customs - This whine always comes from someone who's strayed into WGC or Den Trinity and wet themselves with excitement over the prices. They think they have a bargain and then get annoyed because they have to pay more than £5 for postage from Hong Kong (If they work out it IS Hong Kong). Then they go into whin



My collection

Some people send me PMs or emails asking about this or that gun, clearly under the impression that I still own everything I have ever reviewed.   Obviously lots of the guns were mine (or still are), but many WAs were loaned to me by Elite Airsoft and Airsoftmart loaned me the HFC M9 for review. Others have been loaned by individuals or by Airsoft International magazine for review. Thanks go to everyone who's ever helped out in this respect.   People sometimes ask what I currently own. So her




Decided to test shoot some guns I've got but haven't yet reviewed.   First off was my WA Beretta Tactical Elite - Damn thing wouldn't cycle with its Elite mag (I later found it was fine with another, standard, mag I have, so obviously a wierd mag fault of some sort).   Second up was my MGC Glock 18C - Seemed OK, but then started double feeding... Oh well... I'll come back to that - Maybe try it with more BBs in the mag or try the long mag I have.   Finally I gassed up my Tanaka Browning H



Rate of Fire

For a while now I've been including Rate of Fire (ROF) as Rounds Per Minute figures on the reviews I do of select fire guns.   The way I do this is documented somewhere on the forum, but I can't find it, so I'll describe it.   Basically, I connect a microphone to my PC and fire up the excellent freeware program Audacity, which is available on Linux and Windows (probably Mac, too, if you must ).   I then load up the gun and, holding the slide lock down, rattle out a few seconds of sho



Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Pretty warm recently and, as my collection and most of my testing gear resides in my penthouse suite (That's a loft to you and me), I've not really been doing a lot of airsofting recently.   How you lot running around in combat fatigues and coveralls are coping when it's 30C+, I can't imagine... I'm a Deckchairsofter at the moment!   Recently I picked up a Crown S&W M29 springer revolver, an Academy P08 Luger springer, a Maruzen VZ61 (after trying one out at the Phoenix meeting at Bisle



Big sell off over...

Lots of my toys have found new homes (Hope you're all happy with them, sure you will be) and I'm left with the hardcore (sorry Mitsuko!) of faves and unwanteds.   On the fave front, my WA SVI 6" Hybrid Comp , with an SD slide and Guarder stainless chamber, takes pride of place. Twig's sending me a 6" stainless barrel and hammer for it (just got to work out how to fit the compensator block to the new barrel, now... ), which will make it even more of a glorious money pit   Others in this cat



Goodbye to all that?

Some of you have probably noticed I've got a big sale of some of my airsoft possessions going on (If you haven't, try this link...) )   I was getting a degree of grief at home at having these dangerous guns around the house (actually they're always kept hidden safely away in the loft, but that's beside the point) and I decided that, with the looming threat of the VCR Bill (much as I hope it doesn't happen, I fear it will), there was really not much sense keeping so much money tied up in toy



More m-US-ings...

Been in the States again, but this time for a skiing holiday in New Hampshire.   Some nice skiing there (Attitash, Shawnee Peak, Wildcat, Bretton Woods, Cannon and Sunday River to name the ones we tried and a few others, notably Loon, looked very good as we passed), but the snow wasn't great (which meant no tree skiing and limited the number of really tough runs open, but at least it wasn't totally absent) and the temperatures were a tad raw at times (-1F at one time during the day!).   Am



AEG Realism

It remains cold and difficult to test airsoft, but that's not stopped me posting up a few new reviews on the justpistols website.   I've also been photographing some of my current guns (some for review, some for fun as they're already reviewed) with my lovely new digital SLR and you'll find a lot of these shots are in the picture threads and/or my gallery.   One of the guns not yet reviewed is my ICS MP5 SD5 AEG. As I don't skirmish, an AEG is an indulgence, but I've been enjoying the AEG



Quick update

I've bought a few bits and pieces over the last few days.   First off was a KSC STi 5.5 Hybrid, which will be interesting to compare with the WA SVIs I'm more familiar with. It certainly look good and seems a fair bit heavier (at nearly a kilo) than the older (but broken) STi, I've owned for a while.   If anyone has a KSC STi scope mount (or knows of a retailer with one), I'd be very interested in it.   Next was a set of Hogue finger grips for a Colt 1911. I've not decided which of my s



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