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We need more Powerrrrrrrrr! (No apology to Scotty)



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What is it with this obsession with power?


In particular, why are so many people messsing their boxers over this, admittedly quite nice sounding, Chinese L96 replica?


For some, sure, it's the fact it's an L96 replica (sort of), but many are saying "Cor, it does 540 fps for sure", "No, no, it's 560!", "I heard it was 750 with .12gs!".


OK in some places in the States, you're duty bound by the Constitution to hurt your fellow airsofter ("I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig. Weeeeeeee.

" - No, wait, that's something else, isn't it...? :unsure: ), but here in the UK, you CANNOT shoot at someone with anything more powerful than 1J without (at least potentially) incurring the wrath of the law.


As this thing is now teetering up towards VSR-10 prices, once you factor in shipping from HK and VAT/Duty and PF charges, will it really be that good?


For me, this all sounds like a game of "Airsoft Sniper Rifle" Top Trumps, where the person who shouts the silliest FPS figure wins!


I'd be interested in seeing one (I've always rather liked Bolt Actions and the L96 in particular), but I won't be buying one unless they can figure out a way to get the power down to around 350fps, where it can be used in the UK.


If I want an air-rifle, I'll buy a proper one!




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II'm not sure your figures are correct mate.


After you do the maths, assuming you use standard airmail, the unscoped L96 comes in at £87 shipped.


Even if you get stung with import duty and taxes, it's not likely to me more than £120.


Add the cost of an m100 spring, which is all you need to change. - £10.

Changing the spring is a matter of removing the bolt, undoing two screws, and swapping the springs out. Real easy.


So thats £130 for a Sniper rifle that seems comparable to a stock VSR 10 by most accounts, and a VSR g-spec runs to £174, without shipping. Hardly 'teetering' towards their price levels unless you get the bog standard VSR, and that comes without scope rail - I'm not even sure you cn get an aftermarket one either.


Plus, it LOOKS like an L96 - which for me is the deciding factor. biggrin.gif


I think the reason people seem to be getting hung up on the power level is because it's far in excess of what we usually expect of the chinese 'clones.'

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Fair enough, it looks like an L96 (I did say that biggrin.gif), but what's the excitement of a gun's power if you can't use it?


It's a bit like a 500 bhp Vauxhall Astra...Pointless!


And, from the reviews I've seen, the stock's no match for a VSR-10 (someone said the cheek pad looked like it would snap off if you nudged it when raised)...so £40 doesn't seem that much difference between this and a G-Spec and how much would a scope rail for a pro-sniper VSR cost anyway - £15?


Anyway, like I said I can (sort of) see the appeal of an affordable L96 (if it's any good), but everyone's raving about its power when you can't use it!



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The reason I seem to see people raving about the power is threefold;


1) It is WELL above the usual power level expected for the 'clone' market, which is usually well below the standard 280/300 fps.


2) Having a high power level means that various other bits will HAVE to be pre-upgraded to cope, so when you do drop in lower powered spring then you have little else to do.


Anyway, like I said I can (sort of) see the appeal of an affordable L96 (if it's any good), but everyone's raving about its power when you can't use it!


3) There are a bunch of sites out there that allow bolties to 500fps, including one local to me. Wether they're on safe legal ground or not has been discussed to death, but the fact remains, these sites exist, and such FPS limits are used safely.


I've already got an m100 or two in my bits box, so I'm buy the stock rifle and I'll swap the springs in and out as and when required.


I'll concede the cheek rest point, but then, I wouldn't use it anyway. wink.gif

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2) Having a high power level means that various other bits will HAVE to be pre-upgraded to cope, so when you do drop in lower powered spring then you have little else to do.



OK - I'll accept points 1 and 3, but this is hope over experience - It costs NOTHING to slap a super strong spring in a cheap as chips springer box.


MAYBE they didn't do this, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it biggrin.gif



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OK - I'll accept points 1 and 3, but this is hope over experience - It costs NOTHING to slap a super strong spring in a cheap as chips springer box.


MAYBE they didn't do this, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it biggrin.gif




Ah well, I'll find out when mine shows up wink.gif

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I opened up the sear box and noticed a lot of cracks developing around screws. The sear itself did not break, but the slot in which the sear pin sits in did. As wide as the sear box is on the outside, a lot of space is removed from the inside with only a few structural supports molded in.


Not looking too good so far... sad.gif



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