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Operation Spring Break, Rype Village


Community Calendar

Operation Spring Break is a 24 hour event that will be held at Rype village, Lydd, Grid Co-ords 50.947113,0.898325

Postcode TN29 9JD on the south coast on 22rd to 24th of April. It will be the second time any large numbers of airsofters will have been allowed to play the site as it is in near constant use by the army for troop training prior to deployment. The site has over 130 buildings including a shanty town, modern housing estates, a shopping mall and fortified complexes; there really is something for everyone. There is also pine woodland and scrubland for those who want to be at one with nature.


The safezone has heated barracks for those who wish to sleep along with hot showers and a mess hall where 4 meals will be provided by army caterers.


The cost of the event is £99 which includes food with a deposit of £35 and £64 being paid on the day deposits can be paid by paypal to mick@invictaairsoft.co.uk or by card over the phone but for those who book this and the Aughst event there is a £10 per event discount to each event so only £54 on the day. Full details can be found here INVICTA AIRSOFT FORUM

If you have any question you can phone the office on 01227 763335







More pictures of the site can be found here Rype Village Picturesand here more Rype village pictures


BackgroundCalamer is the regional capital of the Nutak region of Columbia. Bribery and corruption have become a way of life fuelled by the increasing flow of drug money.


In an attempt to reduce the quantities to drugs leaving the area the American DEA set up a regional headquarters in Calamer but there agents were no match for the well equipped and funded private militia of the El Charron family that control the drugs trade in the area so they arrange for a dispensation from the Columbian government that would allow them to station special forces troops and fly attack helicopter in the area this has dramatically altered the balance of power in the area back towards the DEA.


In an attempt to reverse the decline of there power, the El Charron family have assassinated the pro DEA mayor forcing the position to be re-elected. According to Columbia law mayors of regional capitals are immune from prosecution for crimes they committed before they were elected so the head of the El Charron family Pappa El Charron has put himself up for election unfortunately no one knows what Pappa El Charron looks like which has made capturing him all but impossible, if he is elected he will be able to remove all hope the DEA have of controlling the flow of drugs from the region so they have sponsored and are protecting another pro DEA candidate Sinior Edger


There is a third force in the area and that is the local police who were under the control of the former mayor they are trusted by neither the DEA or the El Charron family as they have shown that they are both corrupt and dishonest but as official state representatives they have to be tolerated and are often on the side that pays them the most. (all places booked)


Operation Spring Break is based around the days before the poling station opens with all sides trying to complete objectives while stopping the opposition completing there’s. Completing objectives will generate votes for the respective candidates and the candidate’s side with the most votes at End Ex will be the winner



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