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About elsermana

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 05/18/1983

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    July 2005
  • Toy collection
    KSC Mk23 HW HK - fully upgraded minus some high flow valves.

    TM M16A2 with M203 and heatshield

    TM M14 Socom
  • Most likely to say
  • Country
    United States

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  • Location
    Willimantic, CT
  • Interests
    Kenjutsu, Airsoft, cats
  1. I'd like to know what "engravings" ASGI is talking about with the G&P M4. Last I checked they looked like they were just "drawn" on. That's not to say that it's bad, but it's not engraved. I own one, and it's quite nice, but no engraving as far as I know about. It's a very sweet AEG but mine just pooted itself so I need to open it up and see what's wrong. This should indeed be interesting as I'm sick but I need it working before sunday.
  2. Pretty sure they go for $190ish. Dentrinity has a $160 deal for a bit but of course that went out of stock really quick.
  3. Haha. The box is made of cedar that I simply located on ebay. Then as a wonderful christmas gift, my friend offered to wood burn the FOX symbol on it. It came out great, but of course he's not pleased. He's mad because it's about 1/4" off center and the wood burning is textured and not smooth. However that's due to cedar's natural absorption and when the box was originally oiled and sealed it must have soaked up a lot of oil as when he was woodburning parts would errupt into flame! So he opted to texture it to hide those facts. Was a nice gift to see waiting in the car when I got ba
  4. Yeah, it's been dark and rainy here (british like weather, or german for that matter) so it's hard to get much natural light. Plus it doesn't help that I've got an old old digi cam to take pics of it. In person it looks amazing.
  5. lol. They are cocobolo grips! I'll have to ask about the internals as I can't remember off the top of my head. Although pretty much anything that could be swapped was.
  6. And finally, after all this time the completed MGS3 S3 project pistol done by n00b3r. I can put up nicer pics if you guys want but it's hard working with a stone age digi cam. I did my best to find the best parts possible and had n00b3r install them. The only things that aren't completley exact is that the barrel isn't black (i'll get that painted), the front of the grip isn't checked for better grip and the slide isn't exactly the same but if I ever do find a better one I'll be bugging him again. Sadly, if I ever find a better frame and slide I'll be making a purchase! I think it
  7. ACK! Was that a perfectly good Marsoc frame? A marsoc frame that I'm all too familiar with? edit: Phoenix: As soon as I can get this darn camera to work I'll go those pics up. I promise!
  8. That's your plain and simple MEU metal slide two toned by n00b3r. It also has your basic parts from a WA Delta with a polished hammer. The grips are those nice rubberized wrap around ones. Snagged them from ebay for about $30. Internally it's pretty much stock, though it's got borrowed parts from a MARSOC. So it's actually quite a simple pistol! It's just got an extra touch of love.
  9. New pics of the Two tone babies!
  10. And here we are. Hope you guys enjoy n00b3r's work. It's phenominal if you ask me. Delta/MEU two tone S3
  11. Don't worry Phoenix, we all know who started it! That pistol on the right was the Delta that was going to be sold, but n00b3r decided to have some fun and two toned it. It looks incredible with the new grips and even more polished metal. I've got pics. Just need to upload them!
  12. How are cats and guys weird? Man, I wish my camera worked. I've three cats. Stick an empty box around them and whammo. Better than catnip. Awsome pics guys.
  13. Yeah, that's definately the not cheap WA Delta Elite 1911.
  14. Woah, double post. Sorry about that. Where's a delete button?
  15. When EhobbyAsia was still up they had it too. Pretty fair price. If you can get their e-mail you could probably snag it from them directly instead of on ebay.
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