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Everything posted by hawk16

  1. Photoshop, I think its poster edges? Im not sure. its a good picture but it was really blurry and the only way I knew how to make it look nice was to filter it.
  2. More... Yes, I know the Hk416 really uses the AG36.
  3. -VFC Hk416 EOTech 552 Rico 9 Alpha CA Silencer
  4. This gun was made around early 2002, and I made it when the Seals first started using the CQBR's in Afghanistan. I was doing an impression and back then a lot of their CQBR's were custom made, basically a modified chopped down barrel and most of them had 11.5 inches, or a little bit longer or shorter. Now-a-days shorter barrels are more available and not many people have to modify their barrels anymore. I love my gun.
  5. You guys are making my jealous, my HK416 is still in the mail. UPS says it should be here tommorrow, we'll see.
  6. TM M4A1 with Hurricane Metal Body, G&P CQBR Front Kit, G&P Stock, and a bunch of other stuff I cannot name at the moment.
  7. It should be here anyday. I can't wait. The good thing about the Super DX version is the 2 different barrels, only bad part about that though is the fact that it dosen't come with an inner barrel so either way your gonna have to open up the reciever to change out the barrels, so it can't be done in the field.
  8. I have just ordered my VFC HK416, I will post pictures once it gets here in a few days. It's gonna be nice, and I got the Super DX version as well. Scheduled to be here Friday UPS tells me, but we'll see. I already have a Rico 9 and a few other things im gonna throw on it thats gonna make it look really nice. But of course I will post pictures of the gun naked without any attachments, I always run my guns naked in games anyway (not me).
  9. I am sorry for the REALLY bad quality, I took the pic with my phone in a low light room. it looks 10x better in person then this photo:
  10. Well, I only work at Long Island Airsoft, http://www.IslandAirsoft.net Someone were I work has a Tanaka M700 AICS, not for sale though.
  11. This is no CA or G&P, this is a TM, completely customized to be a CQBR, I built it back when the seals first started using it in afghanistan. The internals in this gun are incredible, it shoots faster then most SAW's and other guns i've seen. It is chrono'd at 390FPS with .25's. All I can tell you, is this gun is a beast. My TM SR-16 fully customized w/ M203, the internals in this thing is sick as well. it is for sale, check the US Sales forum (BTW that is a real aimpoint with real aimpoint QD mount, aimpoint not for sale):
  12. hawk16

    Armalite Pictures

    This is no CA or G&P, this is a TM, completely customized to be a CQBR, I built it back when the seals first started using it in afghanistan. The internals in this gun are incredible, it shoots faster then most SAW's and other guns i've seen. It is chrono'd at 390FPS with .25's. All I can tell you, is this gun is a beast.
  13. About my armor. The armor is worth a lot of money, im not gonna disclose how much I paid for it. It is specifically made to be a tactical armor for pilots and people who want to through a chest-rig over a vest instead of wearing a plate carrier. It is used by a lot of PMC's, and it can be concealed when needed.
  14. This is my latest piece of equipment, its for my PMC impression im building. Pinnacle Armor Carrier(real steel) w/ real soft armor level IIIA
  15. Just got done with this.
  16. hawk16

    Beaten up guns

    I will get a pic of my beaten up SR-16 soon. Post pictures of your beaten up guns, from playing skirmishes etc..., not like ran over witha car type of beaten up, but scratches, dents, etc.. etc.. and the gun must be functional. ANd also, none of that stuff you did yourself to make the gun look cool, I mean you actually beat it up legit by playing so many skirmishes with it.
  17. hawk16

    Unholy Fusions

    I heard this version of the glock was specifically made for terrorists and emos. (I hope you get the joke)
  18. I love my gun. TM SR-16 base. Hurricane metal body Classic Army M203 Classic Army supressor 190 spring upgraded gears Shoots around 400 with .20's
  19. hawk16

    M4/M16-203 pics

    It's a classic army M203 (Long). I love my gun, a lot.
  20. hawk16

    Overloaded Guns

    Post your pictures of insanely over-loaded guns (4 m203's, lasers on every possible part of the gun, a huge *albatross* box mag on an Mp5 w/ a m203 attached in 3 places, just anything overloaded).
  21. You know if you crash into like a bicycle with that your going to die right?
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