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Everything posted by DeadChristmas69

  1. There was a time when the BBs we know as "Ultrasonic" didn't have a special name at all.This is an example of such pellets: The "Champion's Choice" 0.12 gram pellets, which were manufactured in Korea by ToyStar. Apparently, they were recommended by Eric Grauffel, world champion ISPC. Exactly what he himself recommended them for is unclear. That being said, the label claims that the BBs work best with "super-soft and "softairs" that fire with 0.3 J, 230 FPS, and 73 MPS. I believe that this instruction is much more agreeable than claims made by the later Ultrasonic BB labels.Another interesting
  2. Thank you for stopping by.This thread is dedicated to preserving various information, photographs and scans about Airsoft Accessories. The scope of this thread will cover a broad range of items, including optics, targets, tools, and especially, BBs and their containers.The purpose of this thread, is to preserve the legacies of otherwise lost to time, or relatively known information about the aforementioned items. I hope to allow readers to enjoy this information for as long as possible, and will be backing up this information to increase its longevity and possibility to survive the tests of ti
  3. Cybergun's 2007 product lineup. Unexpectedly bundled with NOS Swiss Arms goggles. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/brxgzafrl3j5vs8/AABUX0MCqq6j_FS2lGTnuHI0a?dl=0 Latest revision: 29FEB20, 9:52 pm, Central Time
  4. Watch Cybergun's attempt to educate the public on de-jamming as it crashes spectacularly into disaster! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2agh3fvx5hqiu32/AACfqecsIp9UVds0OOCowW2ja?dl=0
  5. You can access my entire library on Dropbox. This link contains all the Airsoft scans, photographs, videos, and more. It's all the content I've taken so far. Latest revision dates of each folder will be marked. The link is provided below: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gl6sb1phierq2ux/AADMmWGilhIN1RUo2-Qgw9yFa?dl=0
  6. You can access my entire library on Dropbox. This link contains all the Airsoft scans, photographs, videos, and more. It's all the content I've taken so far. Latest revision dates of each folder will be marked. The link is provided below: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gl6sb1phierq2ux/AADMmWGilhIN1RUo2-Qgw9yFa?dl=0 23FEB2020
  7. It's unfortunate, again, however, despite my rocky start, I will be sure to press onward. I'm confident that I'll only improve with time.
  8. You haven't read my newer posts, then, have you? At any rate, it's unfortunate that you're not enjoying my content. Terribly sorry to hear that. : (
  9. Sure, I'd certainly like my work to be appreciated by even just one person. That being said, it's not my focus, rather, is my passion for these airsoft. That's why I've built these threads. When I was younger, there weren't always, and in some cases, still aren't guides or reviews for the guns I like. Even if there are, I'm confident that my own style, and the cracks that I fill, will be valued by many. If that makes me a wannabe airsoft celebrity, then that's alright.
  10. Sure, they're on YouTube, and ASF as well. Of course, the wider I go throughout relevant areas, the larger my audience will be, and the easier it becomes to find my creations.
  11. Yes, and there are official different names for both variants. Since it's an M9, and not a 92FS, which is why I pointed that out. It's like naming a Colt 603 with "Colt 604", that's to say, though they may appear to be the same, they have differences in schematic.
  12. WELL "M16A4" (874876016140, Black.) Spring operated 6mm, .24 inch caliber rifle. Known finishes are complete black.Manufactured by: Well, and made in China.Claimed features: 220 fps, 67 m/s with .20 gram pellets. Magazine Capacity: 200 rounds. High capacity "shake-loading" magazine. Can function as a low-capacity magazine if desired. Hop-up: Adjustable.Build materials and trademarks: ABS plastic externals, ABS plastic internals, zinc-alloy inner barrel. ABS plastic magazine. May have no trademarks, or "WELL 16-A AIR PISTOL SERIES" and a serial number on the left side. "Made In China" on the ri
  13. Thank you for stopping by~This thread is dedicated to preserving various information about airsoft replica, (non-sniper) rifles. It contains paperwork, brochures, performance statistics, images and more information about the replicas contained here. There is no specific brand that this thread focuses on, but rather mostly on the spring rifles of old. The purpose of this thread, is to preserve the legacies of otherwise lost to time, or relatively known information about the aforementioned items. I hope to allow readers to enjoy this information for as long as possible, and will be backing up th
  14. This came with a Cybergun/ToyStar M1928. No idea what the printing date is, but it looks ancient. I'm fairly certain that half of the stuff sold in this catalog is probably illegal now, but that just makes me want it even more!https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g5gn2jje5be4t8r/AABT9jiT5nal3BYGjFG3Uy4ga?dl=0Latest revision: 5:43 pm, 20FEB20 Central Time
  15. An exceptionally awful find from Cybergun, circa 2006. It's the "ALL The SOFT AIR In One CD - THE ULTIMATE IN SOFT AIR"!Contains horrifically outdated and damaging information, outright lies, and plagiarism. Still makes for a great laugh, and reference for many older replicas. There's images, videos, and web-links inside, it's actually a lot of entertaining content. My favorite is the video where they show you how to get one of their Ultrasonic .12 gram pellets out of a KWC M9's inner barrel with a drinking straw!You'll love this one!https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oyf68rghpn7dl41/AAD7Fvoay0oycJGb
  16. Following up with Cybergun's 2009 Catalog. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t4ilekqi1z9oyfp/AACQnT0GFtyecyv_V4EywP9la?dl=0
  17. Here is the 2006 product catalog from Cybergun. It seems that the product line is starting to shrink? It's not even close to being as big as the 2004 edition.https://www.dropbox.com/sh/snxx4txywjwm1cy/AADerV3euPb0aYd-jmc6tfEoa?dl=0
  18. Here's an interesting one: 2004! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kiyaug9zs30th5k/AAD8hFQcIVjA8aiv0Mq_j5ZZa?dl=0
  19. Thank you for stopping by~This thread is dedicated to preserving various information, photographs and scans about anything Airsoft related, but isn't a replica. It contains paperwork, brochures, images and more. The purpose of this thread, is to preserve the legacies of otherwise lost to time, or relatively known information about the aforementioned items. I hope to allow readers to enjoy this information for as long as possible, and will be backing up this information to increase its longevity and possibility to survive the tests of time. Some of the Cybergun Catalogs are already on AirsoftSo
  20. It's actually not. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=NRpPXorNJcLL-gTcwofIDQ&q=m9+vs+92fs&oq=m9+vs+92fs&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2j0i22i30l8.1417.4471..4679...0.0..0.170.1244.0j9......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j0i22i10i30.gJkrc5s5xxk&ved=0ahUKEwjKu7KNqOHnAhXCpZ4KHVzhAdkQ4dUDCAg&uact=5
  21. I will, it just won't be in this thread. I made this individual thread before the idea of a centralized one came to me.
  22. Unfortunately, I find the polar-opposite point agreeable. If you're just going to continue to demean or otherwise insult the memorabilia in this thread with subjective opinions, then there are other threads that you may find interesting on this forum. You may want to read those instead. These are not box art, but the clamshell packaging is reasonable to be considered a box. There are people who have, and may continue to find it valuable. Clearly this topic isn't targeted for you. If you don't like Cybergun's historic, and previously vague information, that's OK.
  23. I have TONS of airsoft things that need to be scanned. I'm procrastinating to hell and back. You're idea is fantastic, an excellent component for a review. Thanks~
  24. May I politely ask to know the reason why you're wasting your time in this thread if it doesn't particularly interest you?
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