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Handsome Pete

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About Handsome Pete

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Love it, very Baby Face/Dillinger-esque. Shame they don't make extended magazines.
  2. My M4 setup with various optics. Needs a G&P KAC RIS to replace the CA one and a folding rear BUIS. Otherwise its done. My photography is ###### at best:
  3. A Work of art Clockwork_O.
  4. Ye found it to be a great little holster, never had my 226 mags slip out. Sadly it won't fit my .45 USP mags so im selling it (if anyones interested).
  5. great seller would deal with again

  6. Where it goes on all para/mk 1 models (front wired), in the forgrip under the barrel. (Push on the barrel release, slide out the barrel bung the battery in, slie barrel back on). Cheers.
  7. I believe its a Star, no trade marks on it. Ris was on the side but don't have a LLM01 unit (a replica would be nice) so got the drill out and bunged it on the bottom. This is a team mates rifle, he's not to keen on the vertical grip since I put it on . Originally a CA249 mk1, then bunged a A&K para stock on it & CA para barrel. No apology necessary
  8. Farrel uses a Sig 552 as a primary throughout the film. Its the female member of the team who wields a G36c TBH though, every movie often has several models of the same weapon. Rubber guns for stunts to prevent injury/damage to the actors/weapons, airsoft for posing and wielding (often lighter, and safer- no chance of ND's by untrained actors-) and blank firers for the scenes where firing is required (unless ofcourse they use CGI). For example, the church shootout in Once upon a time in Mexico was done with rubber guns because the blank firers hadn't arrived in time so the effects were p
  9. Dang, well thanks for the reply. So a 7.2 lipo would be alright in a stock CA v2 box?
  10. Ye thats a fair point, unless its just a PFC with extra bright caps. The link below points out with a face shot he actually misses (intentional?). Your point about the actor being very well trained is a good point, I think the 6 months on the the range meant he perfected it to a rather awesome standard. That said, alot of movies are now done using CGI for firearm effects, sometimes to a standard where its very hard to tell the difference, I just thought being a Mann film he'd avoid it. Bit of a rant I know, just like my films is all. cheers http://www.imfdb.org/images/a/ac/Collater
  11. I asked it else where with no reply so it might be a case that no one knows the answer but wondered if this style battery would fit (since its shorter than regualr small battery)? http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper.php?i....6V%20Batteries If someone could let me know I'd be very greatful. cheers.
  12. You sure of that? Not saying you're wrong but it being a Michael Mann film (a director who loves his firearms) and the fact Cruise trained with live ammo, to get his skills up to top notch, be bit of a let down to find out it was your bog standard KWA USP .
  13. Haha, *fruitcage* that made me laugh, i was thinking they were of the nob cheese variety but didnt know how to word it. cheers.
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