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Everything posted by L2E

  1. I tested a standard M4 type buffer in the TM M4 and it works just fine with no perceivable change in rate of fire or magazine efficiency. Of course, a standard buffer is shorter so you have put some spacers inside the buffer tube so the carrier doesn't travel too far inside the tube. Only time will tell if a standard buffer causes other problems such as breaking the buffer detent...
  2. Did a quick FPS consistency test on the TM M4 magazine with the silver tube removed from inside the magazine filled with Propane. The outside temperature was 50F and ambient work shop temperature was 60F. For the first 140 rounds, the maximum FPS deviation was 10FPS but typical deviation was around 5FPS and it was not unusual to see shot to shot with zero deviation. After 140 rounds, the recoil and FPS began to drop in which 162 was the very last shot. I would expect better results in typical Texas weather (85F+) and I am VERY happy with the performance of the magazine.
  3. good stuff renegadecow!
  4. Auto seemed fine in first mag or so but after that I was just shooting semi. With about a second between each shot I got over 4 mags...no idea of FPS during that test as it was just a quick test before I turned in for the night.
  5. I will test the FPS consistency tonight, hopefully I am not going in the wrong direction by removing the silver tube. However, I didn't get any puffs/clouds of gas on the first few shots.
  6. I took the long silver tube off the fill valve and now I am getting a minimum of 4 mags from one fill of green gas/propane. In addition, when filling the mag it doesn't begin to spew gas until 30 seconds or so instead of 8 seconds. Somehow that tube stops green gas/propane from filling completely. Can someone explain this phenomenon?
  7. I think you will start to see requests for measurements or drawings...
  8. Some very interesting information from a friend that just got his TM M4 GBB and tested with both Duster and Green Gas: Quote below: "I got the TM M4 today and I decided to run some tests using duster gas and the results are very interesting: 1) I tested the TM M4 with Dust-Off bought from Costco and room temperature is around 70ºF. 2) The magazine weight is 453g when empty and 473g when fully filled. Which means I was able to fill 20g Costco gas in it. 3) The FPS is very consistent: 303 fps (.23g BB) the first shot and it maintained ~300fps all the way to the end. (Shot with green gas
  9. Exactly what I was thinking. A friend suggested trying a KJW fill valve but I need to get the mag apart first to get a better idea...
  10. WHOA! How did I not notice that! The measurements are correct, I just completely failed at math. That really does change things then doesn't it... dang it, I can't edit the post...
  11. I think the Angry Gun inlet valves do that...
  12. Yes, I filled each magazine with gas that was at room/ambient temperature which is the way it would be filled in the field. However, I held the gas release valve for a few moments to allow the air inside the magazine to vent. Probably didn't need to do that with the TM mag as the fill valve is designed to allow air to exit while filling with gas (or so I have been told).
  13. All assumption at this point b/c I have no idea if the valve is the problem or the operating system. Who is going to step up and test valves from other TM GBB guns? I only have the M4 and G17...
  14. So I was on a quest to get a rough idea of how much gas a WE M4, GHK M4 and TM M4 holds. So first I purged each magazine of gas, let it sit for a few minutes and then ensured no residual gas remained. Weighed each, filled each for 8 seconds, waited 2 minutes, filled again for 8 seconds, waited 2 minutes and then filled again for 8 seconds...just to make sure each was at capacity. Then weighed them again. All this was at an ambient temperature of 58F in my workshop. Before I filled each magazine, I tested the outside temperature of the magazines for what reason I am not sure Anyway...re
  15. Good point PureSilver, I think I will give it a go tonight on weighing GHK M4, WE M4 and TM M4 mags empty and full to roughly determine gas capacity.
  16. Thanks Bada Bing! How does it fare if after you deplete the gas and re-gas?
  17. what is everyone's shot capacity per gas fill on green gas/propane? I am getting no more than 50 semi-auto shots at 67F ambient temperature. On top of that, the magazine is VERY cold after I empty the magazine of bb's. TM's promotional video shows it being filled and re-filled many times with no perceived cool down so is it possible the valves are designed strictly for 144 and using anything higher negatively effects shot capacity per fill? I am no chem engineer so I am stumped...of course my ONE magazine could be a lemon...
  18. I think Prev might be looking to lock the 417 to semi auto only. Is that correct Prev?
  19. I have only seen that issue when you attempt to insert a magazine with the bolt forward. If you move the bolt to the rear, then there is no issue with venting gas or weird shooting performance...and the RAT complete trigger box doesn't fix that...
  20. I saw that exact deformation when I took apart my nozzle to do a comparison between gen 1 and gen 2 nozzles. Mine wasn't nearly as deformed as yours but left unattended would certainly get that way...
  21. Are you sure you don't have some other problem going on? I have run a 75 degree ML bucking since I got the 417 and I was shooting in the high 300's on the standard VFC gas release valves. 100FPS loss is quite significant...
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