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About ACManiac

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 06/04/1993

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    October 2005
  • Country
    United States

Contact Methods

  • AIM
    x2 b4k4
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Profile Information

  • Location
    San jose, California
  1. Well the top one technically isn't an AR15, it's fine right?
  2. Haha thanks guys, I was just playing around with some ideas. My team is leaning towards this one though Secret tactical amphibians! hahaha. I agree with horsem4n with the new spacing. It does look better! Thanks everyone!
  3. Here is my new teams logo, what do you guys think?
  4. The AR15 + AR10 family in my team. Which one is your favorite?
  5. Here is my primary. I added the launcher yesterday after many many hours of sanding and grinding to get the thing to fit. It with the rest of my loadout! Hope you guys like it!
  6. Nah, it's the new Classic Army one. Just came out, I bought it at Airsoft Extreme before it was even on the website.
  7. Check out mine! I just got the parts in. VERY happy with how it turned out
  8. Hey umm... Do you guys know where I can get a tappet plate for a famas? my gun was churning out rounds and it snapped.... Here's a pic of my gun to go with the thread!
  9. I am also wondering how and what kind of launcher did you stick on your famas. I want to do that to mine.
  10. some pictures of guns that i have after a skirmish. The first is a FAMAS, which in mine, then a g36, which is my brothers and a p90, its mine too.
  11. This is my famas, i did wee bit custom work but not much =)
  12. This is a pic of my Fa-mas. I love it so.
  13. this is my collection at the moment edit: it consists of: a ksc usp, ksc m9 berreta, kwa glock 19 and 23, wa 1911, marui mp5, marui famas, marui ak spetsnaz, marui g36, and a classic army g36 with a sl-9 star kit on it.
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