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Posts posted by navymp28

  1. Ohh..god do they sag, My MICH I wear at work always has sag with my 14's on it. I used to tape a full M4 mag to the back of my MICH before a mission to help level the helmet out...and that way I always had a spare mag ;) but if it ever came to that point I was pretty much F-d so it didn't matter.


    Before I head out to the box this time I am going to add a Pouch to the back of my lid to put either a MAG or some sort of weight in to help solve the sag issue.

  2. This is the beginning of an USAFSOC impression:




    Still need to decide on what LBV / Chest rig I am going to run with this. Also still debating on getting some ACU knee pads. The helmet is an issued ACH which the USAFSOC are useing currently. I have been thinking of running a Multicam chest rig and possibly MC soft armor seeing as how the issue of Combat and Survival mentioned the use of MC kit by the USAFSOC. I need an M4 though.

  3. Ya even though it's probably incorrect, since the phaseout date isn't till 2011 I'm sure AFST will be using DCU's until they have to switch



    They have been useing ACU's so I really don't see the difference...same coloration...but not as functional.

  4. Q35: Will SOF forces be issued the ABU?

    A35: The SOF were among the first to test the ABU. Absolutely, they will wear the

    ABU. We are committed to continuous improvement with regard to the ABU. We plan

    to continually upgrade the ABU as we learn more about its effectiveness – we’ll do this

    in spirals. We will incorporate new fabrics and new technology as appropriate. SOF

    forces will continue with their current ROE when deployed but are authorized to

    purchase ABUs when available at their duty stations.



    I guess that answers the do PJ's wear ABU's question.

  5. Last I heard from an Airforce dood is the only kit actually authorized with ABU's was Black gear. ACU kist has been worn with it in pics, and I have also seen in IRAQ some foliage green kit with ABU's mixed with ACU kit. If the USAF decides to have the PJ's and other units of the the type use the ABU for sure then it would not surprise me if they were to have either RANGER green, Foliage, green or smoke green kit with it. I have seen Coyote kit over ABU also and like ACU it looks good.

  6. Now if those recruiters are in uniform when they play airsoft with you and anyone who shows up to play with you guys happens to be active duty, reservist, or guardsman how will their game be affected by being in the presene of somone who possibly outranks them? Would that player have to take "orders" from the Army rep who outranked him? Yes.



    I am in the military and I play with alot of other military guys. I also play with officers and it is not an issue, the military is a job and work is work....you leave it there. Are you even military or running off of pre concived notions and assumptions?


  7. Lerch, so the current issue TV has OD webbing and CADPAT pouches? Then the replica is close to real look then? I currently has the ARKTIS and I like it alot but want a CF style vest. Also thanks alot for the info on the helmet, I guess the current issue US ARMY helmet the ACH will look that part with a CADPAT cover and SCRIM on it.

  8. Yeah MARPAT is a great patterna dn works well in green enviroments. It is especially great in a Deciduous forest area, CADPAT is awsome for Taiga forests like you find in certain extreme northern states and close to PACIFIC NORTHWEST and Canada. CADPAT would also be great for Tropical and rain forests...anywhere with lush vibrant greens and alot of Moss, Ferns, etc.


    MARPAT like Darklite said works well in a forest where there are still alot of browns hence the Deciduous forest, most of the time they have alot of browns due to the season changes and dead leaves and mulch on the deck all year round.

  9. nuclear_darkness Where is the HESCO barriers at? Very IRAQ FOB...I hate those things...lol. Nice kit especially the Temperate and Arid combo.


    Also do any of you CADPAT guys know what kind of helmet the Canadians are useing and where I can get one of those net things they use on their helmet?

  10. HUH??? I'd seen backpacks and some plate carriers in MC, but now it's the issued uniform?




    yeah it is one of the many uniforms they have been wearing apparently. Check out the MC thread I posted the pics from the newest issue of combat and survival that has a CCT wearing MC.

  11. Some sweet kit going on, MARS there are ALOT of different ways to skin a cat. So don't worry about people correcting your CQB stuff. I learned it three completely different way's. One way from the ARMY, one way from the USMC, one way in MilLE school, and a whole different way from the SEAL/Blackwater guys.


    And to the dood that said hug the wall..that is the only thing I have learned not to do all across the board. The wall's are bullet magnets and not a great place to be. Also USAFSOC are issued CPCU (Multicam).

  12. CADPAT is titties pink!


    My Canadian stuff:












    and my ARKTIS CADPAT Rig:









    I still want to source some issue body armor, helmet, smock, and a nice pack.


    I was training recently and there was a Canadian unit training at the same area, I was surprised at how badly the CADPAT seems to wear ovewr time. There was alot of faded uniforms, Trousers lighter than blouse's and vice versa. The Canadians were good guys though really nice and willing to share info. I saw a wicked cool jeep the canadians have now...it is bad @ss.

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