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Posts posted by navymp28

  1. Just painted some of my parts OD(kinda like the NATO version)

    Will post pics when it's done :)



    I have read all the pages and wow, a ton of great info. I am getting a Star 249 in two weeks. Have a question. If I ws to order a Large 9.6 Battery Pack from Cheapbatterypacks.com but had small connectors on it would it work in the Box mag or do I need to have the adpater and the regular large connection.? Thanks for the help.

  2. Well I am sold on this, myself and my team are all active duty E-4 and below (wait I lie we have two married with children E-5's so they might as well be as poor as the E-4 and belows:P) so money is tight. The main thing we have been needing for our 6 man formation is a heavy support weapon. Looks like this is th one, thanks for the great info Static. As far as slingd for this bad boy, the sling pins and such are metal right? I may have missed this before and if so I apologize for asking you to repeat your self-



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