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Posts posted by bigfish312

  1. get the m1100 revision, i did love the damn thing, when i get my camria replaced (lense got hit taking pics in the last game, GD it!!) i will take some pics and post them. i have a cartrage sling, folding stock off the m870 upgreade, shell catacher, shell sling, cartrage belt and 31 shells for it, good times. all i need now is the guts to charge into buildings with it!!

  2. aint got a pic, but my mate alex fedged his p90 by plinking with the £2 per 2000 market .12g bbs, got 5 jammed in the barrel, then lost his hop rubber tube thing trying to clear it. i would feel sorry for him but we all warned him what would happen if he used the stuff left over from his springer days :waggle:

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