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About Crispin1025

  • Rank
    I need a life

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  • Airsofter since
  • Most likely to say
    I need money!
  • Country
    United States

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  1. Bob, beautiful picture, you really did a nice job with that. Cheers, Daniel EDIT* 1900th post, WOOT!
  2. It would look better with a silencer & stock. Cheers, Daniel
  3. Sorry for the hijack, but I can't seem to find an answer to a question. Mods, please forgive me. Are there any review of the new KSC M9, the Gen 3 one, I presume? If not, could someone post a quick mini-review or PM their thoughts on them? And do they take the old KSC M9 accessories (i.e., threaded barrel, internals, etc.) Many thanks, Daniel
  4. All I can say is that if you fall, you will be in pain. Not maybe, will be. Also, you would wear body armor FAR SOONER that you would carry a rucksack, unless you were inside barracks, and even then guys have been killed. The IBA's stay. Cheers, Daniel
  5. kylec where did you find that carrier??? Cheers, Daniel
  6. What kind of vest is that Titleist? I thought you had a CIRAS. Cheers, Daniel
  7. Blarock86, where did you find the protectors? Any special directions for installing? How well do they hold up to hits? Cheers, Daniel
  8. FarEast, where did you get the goggle covers at? Cheers, Daniel
  9. THOSE ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Where can I order one?! Cheers, Daniel
  10. Thanks for the clarification. Cheers, Daniel
  11. Not to be a jerk, but that vest does not follow the CIRAS patterns in any way I can see. Can someone with hands on experience clarify that for those of us (me) interested in purchasing a new vest? Cheers, Daniel
  12. What kind of PC is that? Cheers, Daniel
  13. 1st shooter- how well do those nvg's work? Cheers, Daniel
  14. Stay FAR AWAY from the KJ Works USP's. Cheers, Daniel
  15. I'm not worried about the rep points, I am concerned with my rep as a great trader and seller. Cheers, Daniel
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