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About -l-

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 07/16/1985

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    Hong Kong

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hong Kong <---> Reading, UK
  1. -l-

    Close Quarter Rifle- East

    Kerbs custom replica by LCT
  2. But WE P226 slide is metal to start with
  3. Emperor, ouch on your slide... hopefully after market metal side is comming soon.
  4. The double feed and slide not locking back problem may cause by the magazine spring being too weak. Try to insert a 2-3cm spacer in the bottom of the mag spring to give it a "boost".
  5. Yes KSC 0.2g and paper is A4 size (just in case anyone not familiar with that coin)
  6. The grip is so big that i have to use my trigger finger to engage the mag release. However after holding the HK45 I just realize how uncomfortable my marui glock is. I am looking forawrd for a decent metal slide.
  7. -l-


    Got the idea from "Behind enemy line" the movie.
  8. -l-

    Events photo

    Photos of various airsoft event.
  9. -l-

    Battle Rattle

    It's all about gears.
  10. Steel bolt + high flow floating valve(rocket valve) + green gas = receiver crack I tried the Bomber Aluminum. In my case, I found that there is some mis-measurement when they manufacture it. So it won't cycle smoothly (actually the bolt carrier stuck). About the RF nozzle that crush your spring did you do step 2 in the diagram below? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_MZxetmbSAtA/S4qdQFxC5qI/AAAAAAAAAAM/wDT9CM2Edck/s1600-h/RF_nozzel_mod2.jpg I use RF loding nozzle in both my KWA and KWS MP7 and there is no-problem so far. May be because I cut my own nozzle retention spring they hold better t
  11. Just installed the tritium night sights on my TM glock, they are super cool!

  12. My G18c slide is made by Shooter Design not by Guarder, pretty much just a swap over. While my G17 is fitted with a Guarder slide, it need some minor work on the hammer and nozzle base for the slide to move smoothly. Once I also fitted a PGC metal slide for a friends G18c also easy to install. By the way, I don't know about guarder or SD but PGC slide will fit in a blackhawk! G17/18 serpa holster.
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