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Everything posted by DualWieldNate

  1. I was thinking along those lines myself. I also forgot to stick on my Insight M3X, it's usually on there, but I was messing with the gearbox last night so had the rail off.
  2. When you shoulder the rifle and look down the aimpoint you can't see the PEQ at all. Unfortunately I can't get the PEQ in FG, the rails are a temporary measure until I get some XTM covers. That said I may get a mixed bunch anyway rather that one colour. The all matching colours thing used to bother me (hence buying the full FG set for the standard front end) now I'm just not arsed. If it's comfy, works and isn't luminous colours I'm happy.
  3. Posted my M4 last week with a UBR on but I've since removed it and put it onto an SPR as it was too long for the short front end I have fitted. I've refitted my original parts and I think she looks all the better for it: Alternative front end can be fitted in a few minutes if I have an armourers wrench handy:
  4. Recent shenanigans on my old beat up M4, apologies for pic I'm not the best cameraman. I've got a full FG set I used to have on a previous incarnation of this rifle and I'm thinking of putting the CTS back on as the UBR is possibly too long for such a short barrel. It is however, very comfortable and rock solid.
  5. Which location would you have this? Because on closer inspection to the hop unit and the section the nozzle goes into there IS a metal ball bearing with a spring pushing it down, there's a second grub screw near the hop which tightens the grub screw and thus the spring.
  6. Most peoples have been on the higher side of the 400s. Mine is only doing 420 but most peoples are pushing towards 450-500?
  7. What was the postage time like from them? I was looking at their site on Monday with a view to buying the Five seveN.
  8. I noticed barrel wobble last night but the screws did need tightening a touch. I've not skirmished with it yet so that will tell how stable it is.
  9. Unfortunately my rifle dropped about 30fps from first trying it which I'm really gutted about. ~430/440fps atm aint worth using on the skirmish field and I've found no way of reliably upgrading it On a side not has anybody else had issues with their AGM POSPs? Mine only illuminated very briefly when I got it and since then I've bought new batteries and gotten nothing. The reticule is so thin that without illumination its virtually unusable.
  10. How much heavier? I did 0.3s in my post a page or two back.
  11. Going further on what I said regarding the cheapsoft scope. If you have a Dremel and don't mind 5 minutes work you can make the scope fit better and what's more NOT dmg the top cover of your rifle. I can still screw out the brass section I've just ground quite a bit of it away. It's surprisingly soft and wasn't an issue for my Dremel.
  12. Mine isn't doing that, its doing 430-440 at best on 0.2s. I tried almost exactly the same thing but with a spring that had been doing over 400 in an AEG, hence me taking it out of that. I got 370-390 readings on my Chrono I'm thinking The same thing, I wanted a Skorpion for this exact purpose. Might try and pick on up.
  13. My AEG springs fit fine, I was just conerned about the power. If I'm sniping with this I'd like it up towards high 400s.
  14. I've read in a few places that AEG springs aren't that suitable in these. I tried a spring from a gun that I had that was hot on purchase and the SVD only kicked out 400fps :-/ Anybody upspringed these successfully? If so what did you use?
  15. Quality of the metal is very good imo. Weight wise I have no scales so couldn't say its very light though imo. The mag is all plastic, rigid enough construction, flip up lid seems a bit flakey though and mine takes an unnerving amount of force to open.
  16. For some reason this has now dropped to 420-30 on 0.2s. The POSP is on but it has scratched the top cover. Frankly that's ###### design from whoever made the POSP. If you're going to get a Chinese made POSP be prepared for the tight fit and some possible aesthetic damage to the top cover. I'm wondering if the spring is the weak link in this, the piston and hop look ncely but together as does everything else. It doesn't feel like I'm holding a sub £100 rifle here.
  17. Yeah the bulb section scratches the top cover, not the end of the world tbh. Digicon Straights 0.3 did the following: 355.7 356.2 356.9 Madbull 0.25s: 399.4 399 exactly 397.1 Blaster 0.2s: 445.8 442.6 439.5 Gonna try a diff spring.
  18. Quick news flash, my Chinese cloned POSP doesn't fit... QQ
  19. Well my PF 24hour package spent 24 hours sat in the national hub... *golf clap* so it's been delivered now but I'm not there to play with it. Needless to say I shall do this tonight!
  20. Mine should be here today, I have .2s, .25s and .3s to test it with I'll post results tonight.
  21. I second that dude, if any body can provide further info on how exactly you do this I'd be grateful.
  22. That is to say AK and SVD mounts ARE different. I bought a POSP for my 74 and it doesn't fit, thankfully I still have it and my SVD is en route.
  23. Yeah I was thinking that, I'll have to have a word with Dmitry
  24. Hmmm ordered one of these from Airsoft World a week back and still nothing regarding it being posted out yet, can't wait to get my hands on it though. I'kll get to the point of my post, anybody know a good wood kit for these?
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