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About x.black-jack.x

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/12/1989

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    M4A1 Sopmod
    1337 Tacticool Raped AK47
    MP5A5 "Swat" mod
    SCAR L (FDE)
    Full Metal M9
  • Most likely to say
    La Bagarre
  • Country

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  • Gender
  • Location
    France (Toulouse)
  • Interests
    Airsoft ?
  1. I managed to get a small room in my basement where I can pump up the volume while fixing my guns without pi*ss*ing off the rest of my family. The photos s*cks but I didn't had much time to shoot better one (without flash).
  2. The vest in the second and third pic is a Camelback Delta-5 vest in foliage green. And no, those are not HDR pics.
  3. I had posted this pic a while ago : I was sent the rest of the set : Website Of the Photographer his myspace
  4. Thanks chap. I am not the photographer, it's him, but I don't remember him taking it as HDR, and I think that he did only one shot with that pose . I guess that he has good photoshop skills
  5. Those are Bates, don't remember the exact model though, I think it was something like 30501 or the 85501. Basically any of those boots are fine, they are the perfect match for a Marpat MCCUU. ;-)
  6. I posted it in the USMC loadout thread, but I think it also fits there Photographer Website
  7. Not an actual in-game pic, but that's the loadout I use when I play ^^
  8. Thank you man. Yes it's a G&P ACOG, it seems to be pretty solid and the image is crystal clear, but it's a bit overpriced IMO (170$).
  9. I received the ta31 and the Peq this morning
  10. The beanie is, unfortunately, not on the picture.
  11. Technically, this HK416 is beautiful
  12. The paint job on the body looks amazing, I don't like it, but it looks really professional ! Congratulations
  13. I got bored this afternoon, so I did this : Did someone ever ordered from Cage Airosft ?
  14. I tried to do something with my CIRAV... ...and photosop edit: don't pay attention to the brown thing on the M4, it's a part of the ciras sling.
  15. @ newbkiller : I love it mate ! congratulations !
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