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Status Updates posted by Moriquende

  1. Going to do a Stargate loadout and I need a P90. So wut am bestest gnu? Does TM still make the best one?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. renegadecow


      Tokyo Marui: because the WE GBB P90 isn't out yet.

    3. faramon


      Renegade cow is of the correct nature.

    4. Moriquende


      TM it is then. Thanks guys :)



  2. Got my new shiny G&P XM177E2 today. It's luvely!

    1. beta08


      Congrats! I love G&Ps. :)


    2. hwagan


      They feature large amounts of awesome.

    3. Moriquende


      Yes and it got plenty of kills last sunday. ^_^


  3. Just bought a new car.

  4. Just ordered a shitload of gear and airsoft stuff. My bank account is weeping.

    1. renegadecow


      The trick is not to have a bank account. That way it's more difficult to make impulse buys when you have to pay in organs.

    2. airsofttactician226


      I am missing my spleen after purchasing my first GBB pistol.

    3. Moriquende


      It was actually stuff I was meaning to get anyway, but not all at once.

      It's fun to go on a shopping spree once in while.^_^

  5. P90 and 7 mags. Lots of people are gonna shout "hit!" this sunday.

  6. Really want a Beta Project Tactical AK and a Tanaka Python, but can't spare the money. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moriquende


      I can sell a part of my liver, it grows back!

    3. FireKnife


      You can live on Econo-beans right? Then buy guns now.

    4. renegadecow


      Stay away from the beans brah. They make you toot.

  7. Stripped my pinion gear and I don't have any spares :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moriquende


      Hmm, it is tempting... no, not gonna happen. :P

    3. Moriquende


      Unless, of course, someone makes a full metal, magazine fed, shotgun with external CO2 rig. Then, and only then, would I make the switch. ;)

    4. L4byr1nth


      My friend converted one of those full-metal ACM M500 things to Co2 a little while back. Internal tube magazine, 5 BB's a shot - was a real beast!



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