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Everything posted by Choosker

  1. Yeah Angel, in that photo it's an 310 safariland (but the bezel doesn't looks like...), but the photo I talked about was a M3 (I had one too)
  2. atleast on this one http://latimesphoto.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/la-me-swat002_lj5launc.jpg It's a safariland for 1911 operator with M3
  3. the hpc + aws strike combo is awesome... I use it a lot of times
  4. I used big zipties and duct tape to put it on my standard HPC...
  5. Do you have any detailed pics on how is the backpanel mounted?
  6. It's to avoid the possibility of the cannon's heat of disturbing the sighting picture. P.S: Today I'm especially clumsy today, no sleeping tonight. So I can't type well in english
  7. Where you bought the long mag for TM?
  8. SamJacksonFan, I'm used to work with hot handguns (in the shooting field, too) but the main reason is the tail switch (not a R series ) and I don't want to put velcro on the gun. But I'll take a look on other grips (too bad my Pachmyars doesn't works with the Wilson Combat). Imperator, it came with the 1911 (WA Wilson Combat DX edition) but I'm searching a few more (about 7 ) Payne, that's a great history, It's even older than I thought, thanks for the info!. From what I've been told, that was the last one forgotten on a corner on the surefire main warehouse foun
  9. 1911 + 610 + 6004 Low Ride belt
  10. Delta Doorkicker WIP Detail photos of my Mich 2002
  11. Someone can help me with an address in USA?
  12. who are this bad boys? I tried to google about them (ZOS) but I couldn't find nothing
  13. I love the CAGFAG patches, I want one so badly
  14. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 3 ANVIS? Man, take note of my address and send me one please
  15. Nope, original AWS. mrk nice pics! It looks very spot on
  16. AWS SF Chest rig. Muahaha Yeah I know I have a mag flipped. ANVIS Mount with Aerial Machine and Tool shroud BTW someone knows where can I buy a Large Mich 2002 (preferably replica)?
  17. No. Sorry Trying to stop killing 56K connections
  18. This is only a WIP in my HPC, I'm missing a few more pouches. Paraclete Pre-MSA HPC 4xM4 Doubles Pre-MSA Horizontal Util Pre-MSA Canteen Pouch Pre-MSA 3x Flashbang MSA LBT Radio pouch
  19. Sure, I'll do next time I love the SF vest, now I can die happy
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