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About SpoonMan

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 09/13/1990

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    TM mp5-SD6; KJW m9; TM m14; assorted manufacturer shorty m4; TM mp7; UTG m87-LA; BELL m9
  • Most likely to say
  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North East Georgia, USA

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  1. There is one company that I know of for certain that makes them. I will not post a link however due to forum rules about real steal discussions. They are out there however if you take the time to look.
  2. Nothing like a good use of paracord! xD Is your rig a little lopsided? It looks it in one of the pictures but it could just be me.
  3. I find the bagginess is actually helpful sometimes. I'm curious however why it tells me that this is your post number 0.
  4. So, how much does all that weigh fully loaded?
  5. Looks good with the T1 there, but maybe a riser would help the aesthetics?
  6. Is that an ebr kit with that stock?
  7. Will that hold .308 mags? If so, I may have to get one for my m14 load.
  8. Hey Alpha, what optic is that?
  9. Colwambat, where did you get that Pakul?
  10. Well, no promises as to whether laylax still makes this, but its worth looking into I suppose: http://www.trinityairsoft.com/p-557-m14-wo...-by-laylax.aspx
  11. Well, maybe I should just let go and forget about paying for other things like rent and car payment, and just buy more of that stuff! Aha, the key to hapiness! I'll write a book about it maybe...
  12. Thats it! I'm moving to Norway!
  13. Hah! I knew the US employed Cave Men!
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