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About patsfan1453

  • Rank
    Regular Poster

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    TM MP5k
    KSC M9
  • Country
    United States

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Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Airsoft <br />Music<br />Friends<br />Football<br />The Red Sox<br />The Patriots
  1. Where do you guys get your peg boards and how much do they usually run you?
  2. Haha Kinda looks like youre throwing your gun up in the air and taking a picture.
  3. I wish there was a smiley that vomits. :-p
  4. Does anyone know if those G&P lighted foregrips would fit a Tanaka?
  5. I like how its writen right side up in a sideways picture lol
  6. Doesnt do much good without a trigger.
  7. From: To: Not huge improvment but hey almost $400 in accessories, and sorry for the crappy pics I dont have that great of a camera and arent that great of a photographer anyway. EDIT: Sorry picture wont resize.
  8. Odd, looks exactly like mine. lol
  9. Sorry I just had a seven hour school day on five hours sleep,feel free to correct me.
  10. I want your glock and your SR-25 and your Patriot and your soul!!!!!! Ahem sorry.
  11. Arent you forgetting your trigger?
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