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nappy hared azn

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About nappy hared azn

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/18/1991

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    TM 1911A1 Sringer
    JG M733
  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Arcadia, CA
  1. Personally, I love the M4 and M16, so long as it isn't laden with too many tacticool accessories. Does anyone really need anything more than an optic and vertical grip for airsoft?
  2. Would you recommend that over the TM M16 VN? Why or why not? In any case, sweet Nam gear.
  3. "You have just become conscious of your breathing. Enjoy."

    You suck. :P

  4. No. No it does not. You should go pray now.
  5. Looks like either an Aimpoint magnifier or an ACM clone of one.
  6. I can't seem to find the link, but I read a review (probably yesterday) where some guy bought multiple guns from RSOV, and found it surprising that none of the guns had orange tips. Anyway, thanks for the info. I guess RSOV just screwed up with that one guy's order. EDIT: Okay, so I just ordered the AKS-74N from RSOV, but I can't find a box set of STAR AK-74 mid caps ANYWHERE!!!!! I've tried searching stores manually and using google, but I haven't been able to find any results (box sets, mind you). Anyone know of a place? Color doesn't matter since I can just spray paint them blac
  7. Can anybody answer my question, or should I just PM the OP?
  8. Sorry to get a bit off-topic, but does RSOV usually ship their products without orange tips, or did the OP just remove it? I'm planning on buying one from RSOV soon, but I don't want an "un-tipped" gun going through U.S. Customs.
  9. Actually, it's a misdemeanor in some states to remove the orange tip.
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