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Major Dutch Schaeffer

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About Major Dutch Schaeffer

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  1. Prime MUR upper released months ago... BTW finally some WE love...
  2. They said its coming in a week, but said the same thing to me in an email two weeks ago...
  3. They don't answer emails written in French too.
  4. WETTI are you sure your France/Belgium/Luxemburg official retailer is alive? Emailed them 3 times about the WE SCAR, never got an answer They're obviously too wealthy to take one more (pre)order... Too bad for them my hard earn money will be for another retailer!
  5. WETTI thank you for your insight. Did you change the alloy for this part too? Current version metal seems a bit too soft... You pretend that WE will win this market, is it for Professionnal Training market or for Airsoft Milsim enthusiasts market? Sure you're pretty the only one GBB producer aiming at professionnal training. But on the enthusiast's market, WA platform is supported by major aftermarket parts productors (G&P, Prime, Inokatsu, Magpul PTS and now China companies) which offer a larger selection of aftermarket parts. Do you have plans to counterattack this? Your platform cur
  6. I was wondering if WETTI plan to continue to perfect their design or they consider their platform as finished. There are still weak parts (mostly cheap plastic or thin metal) in the trigger/firing mechanism. That was reported several pages ago by some users, there was even user-made improvements but WETTI eluded the question. I don't want to order a brand new firing mechanism that will be outdated (or broken) in some weeks... Also an answer about the explosive mags issue would be welcome, don't want to be a human bomb kamikaze while playing this summer. Here in South France it's current
  7. For selector removal: http://wem4guide.wikidot.com/lower-receiver-takedown Steps 3 and 4
  8. Same for me here, too much disapointment about my rifle, it already cost me far too much (at least more than a stock G&P WOC) and it is currently unusable, it isn't working at all because of design flaws. And I pretend that it is design flaws because many owners are having the same problems on the same parts (charging handle, trigger mechanism, bolt stop). And I can't even sell my gun as second hand without paying for replacement parts (and of course international shipping and customs charges). I'm ###### off to be a guinea pig, helping WE improve their design...
  9. I wonder how the future hop up (the one still in development which accepts AEG barrels) will perform with Koba twisted barrels...
  10. Midma: I talked with a friend which is a long time shooter, and he said full auto selectors should be forbidden here, as it changes weapon category (I think from 4th category to 1st?). BTW can't wait for the "soon-to-be-announced" very exciting news
  11. Huh... Isn't he looking for an ambi SELECTOR? As far as I remember, selectors are restricted parts in the US and most other countries, as they are "active" weapon parts.
  12. I've just a question to SocomGear's N4 owners, is the gun painted or anodized? On pictures it seems too shiny to be anodized, but who knows...? Anodization gives a more tougher and realistic feel (I like this sensation on my WETTI M4), but greyish colour seems a bit odd, it reminds me old ICS bodies...
  13. I received my TS-1 blue buffer, and noticed the weights inside are moving, so I'm assuming there's room for more weights. I haven't tested my buffer yet, since I've some parts broken (trigger gearbox and "reinforced" V2 charging handle). It seems to me that the blue buffer is a little bit heavier than the original one, but not that much. That would explain why some users find the recoil too weak... Any of you ever try to fill the TS-1 buffer at its maximum number of weights before pretending recoil is too weak?
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