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About howitzer

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  1. Might be a viable option. Imagine the Bullgear PKM/249 gearbox will be similar to the A&K pattern. Bit of a nuisance all the same.
  2. That is annoying. Means that the PKM/249 retro arms gearbox is also probably a no go. It has a very similar arrangement to the A&K M249.
  3. You could try asking a UK based retailer to order in a specific part for you? Might be worth exploring.
  4. Seems out of stock in the usual spots e.g. Fire-support/Red Wolf etc. If you're willing to order from Bullgear themselves, expect a bit of a wait. Russian sourced equipment is sometimes coming in a more circuitous route these days. Sometimes via UAE or Turkey.
  5. See that Dave's custom airsoft and Lambda defence are coming out with a M240/L7A2 line. One interesting point is there is an option for a steel or aluminum barrel. So the original post is a prescient one as regards the weight saving option.
  6. There is some excellent information in this thread. Lambda defense seem a very interesting company, hope they have a stand at the MOA show. See that on the their Facebook page they are interested in a Negev. Would be a great addition. As regards air nozzle length variability, that seems to be a case for some support guns. Remember with the PKM, used a MP5K nozzle personally while others had luck with different models such as G3. Seemingly Lonex make a LMG nozzle which is similar in length. Not to sure on its other characteristics. Also just to add that Bullgear have their ver
  7. Cheers for the info, good to hear about the different options. Have a KA galil myself and was looking into the various mounts available.
  8. Very nice,is the rail a custom job or an AK one?
  9. That's a nice practical loadout. You not tempted to add comms?
  10. Ahem bit of a blonde moment there. Thanks for the info.
  11. That looks like a simple practical set of gear Darklight. Out on interest what do you have the 58 pattern yoke attached to at the front?
  12. Thanks for that information, will try that on mine.
  13. The real sword AEGs are beautiful. How is your stock holding up? Mine's gone all wobbly, lots of play in it. Need to get it sorted.
  14. One thing I like about the WE is that you can fit wood grips. Needs a bit of filing on the pistol grip but the metal is quite soft.
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