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About Diemaco

  • Rank
    Brit Kit Kid
  • Birthday 01/11/1992

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    MP5A4, BHI Omega type assault vest, STAR mags, MossyOak glasses, neoprene gloves, fingerless gloves, Lowa Combat Boots, full set of DPMs, dark blue BDU pants, Quicksilver X-series coat, fleece gloves, laylax satelite gogs, oakley eye protection, wyvern chest rig, ddpm tousers
  • Most likely to say
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • ICQ

Profile Information

  • Location
    Darwen, England
  • Interests
    Snowboarding, motocross, guitars, rock music, airsoft
  1. Yep I know it sounds nice for what it is, I have got one too.
  2. Nice. Cool amp as well, what is the fps on that thing?
  3. The exact same one as in that picture. It can be done, you just have to line up the dot with your BUIS.
  4. Have you done this? I have I know it works
  5. That Aimpoint is not usless, it edoes work, I know becaus eI had m,ine like that a while back.
  6. Brilliant!!!! I am so temepted to get one of these
  7. Where'd you get it? If you don't mind me asking
  8. Is that full metal or plastic mate
  9. I have used a G&P KAC replica flashlight and scope mount
  10. My M4 in its current form, nice and simple with just a Surefire I will soon be getting an Acog and an AG36 for it though. My pistols These are not all mine but I will post them anyway, there were 18 guns (maybe more) between the five of us at Elite on Sunday but I only took a pic of 15, it was a nice little collection IMO.
  11. Diemaco


    I got a SCW3 Kimber Desert Warrior. Pictures ASAP. Beautiful finish and the power compared to the SIG. Kimber FTW.
  12. I just got an SCW 3 Kimber Desert warrior, I will get pics up ASAP
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