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Charly Driver

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About Charly Driver

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  1. Marui Colt M653 Carbine, U.S. Army Special Forces
  2. 1911 'Driver & Lover' Custom, designed on my needs and handle. Target: issued M1911A1 upgraded with early '90 "Jim Hoag" style modifications, for law enforcement use. Internally and externally almost entirely handmade. Completely repainted. Real weight. External changes: - Improved slide, with BO-MAR sights (WE). - Extended recoil-spring guide. - Vertical housing (LCT). - Extended slide-stop (Tanio Koba). - Kimber style non-ambidextrous extended safety (Guarder). - Wilson style extended mag relase. - 3 hole trigger (Guarder). - Series 70 style Hammer (KM). - Metal D
  3. My custom Beretta. Inspired by Welsey Gibson "Imanishi 17" (a customized eraly Beretta 92S) from Wanted. KJW M9 based, fitted with KJW compensator, wood grips and rounded trigger guard. I removed paint on trigger and compensator.
  4. I've tried to build the Terminator 2 1911, a lower frame Detonics Scoremaster with a black Series 70 upper slide. I used parts of two Western Arms Series 70 and other some WA parts. The screen used: Movie stills: My work:
  5. It's based on a WA Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom II. The compensator, magazine, magazine button and some other silver parts come from a WA Wilson Super Grade. Black pearl girps with Pearce Rubber undergirp. Some interior parts have been replaced specially.
  6. Kimber 'Charles & Wilson' Custom, Based on a WA.
  7. I had thought. Is there any topic where explain how to do?
  8. I got the plunger tube comes with the Prime kit but I need to fit a silver version. Here you can see the uncompleted custom without the Prime kit. Isn't important that the silver plunger tube is mount on the metal frame or the plastic frame. It must be mounted.
  9. Please I need this information. I've buyed a Kimber metal frame, how can I extract that part?
  10. How can I remove this part from a WA Kimber plastic lower frame?
  11. Can I apply a real slide stop on a Western Arms Kimber? For example this.
  12. I've already checked uncompany, much plain, some silver kit but it haven't seen what I'm searching. Dentrinity and endoshoji few of this kits. Maybe we can buy from a japanese site that ships out of japan in unofficial way. Maybe this for example, we can try... or we stay with the kits of uncompany forever.
  13. Do you know where I can buy a zeke kit for my M29? I need it in black color and 4" or 6".
  14. I Don't find enough photos and reviews of the Tanaka S&W M629 Classic 8 Inch. for convince me at buy it (Just Pistols review apart). Is there someone that has photos or comment about it?
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