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About doopydoo

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 07/29/1992

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    KWA G19 w/sanded slide, guarder recoil spring
    TM AUG upgraded with KM TB and 330 FPS
    Galaxy MP5k
    Bell 1911
  • Most likely to say
  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Saratoga,California OMGITSPINS
  • Interests
    Airsoft<br />Bass guitar<br />COD4
  1. So now no one can call someone else's AK unrealistic, they can just defend with "No, it's a Kyber pass"?
  2. Honest criticism from a professional doodler: The left foot looks at an odd angle, it feels awkward that his chin be behind the breastplate, and one of the fingers is short. The fabric of the cape and kilt look a little lifeless, and the blood on the sword looks kind of chunky. However I do have to say better than I can do, I hate working with colors.
  3. Can you do a kickflip or bomb hills on that? :/
  4. Used to have a Krown logo where the walrus is but I didn't like that. I'm planning to replace the wheels to something fat and neon, and the bearings to REAL abec-7s.
  5. So am I right in assuming that CYMA is better internally, while BOYI is better externally (in terms of reliability, durability)?
  6. and here's one thats not done yet...
  7. Agreed, if you sanded all the lumpies down that could be even more awesome. I like the shape of it.
  8. Yeah, trigger is wooden. Only metal parts are the nails acting as pins. It's tough as a brick though. And thank you charlie.
  9. Yay a homemade thread finally. I like to think this is easy on the eyes:
  10. My mag barely gets through 10 shots, on the last few it doesn't even cock the hammer back all the way. It's about 60-70 degrees here, is this normal? Would TM mags help?
  11. I think I can post this here...
  12. I tried to use HDR but I don't think it came out right...
  13. Yeah I thought about the fact that it's butt ugly and kills any chance of the gun being pretty, and then I remembered how awesome it is to shoot and m203, and then imagined clearing a room with it.
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