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About Anachronism327

  • Rank
    Regular Poster

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  • Airsofter since
  • Toy collection
    TM G36c
    TM MP5-SD5
    TM Hi-capa 5.1
    TM M3 Benelli
  • Most likely to say
    Die Zombies Die!!!
  • Country
    United States

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    Kailua, Hawaii
  1. So after going through all the pages of this topic as best I could. I finally took the lunge and picked up a bog-standard LM4 from one of my local stores. This is my first GBBR, and I have some questions. 1) How to you maintain this thing? The store recommended airsoft silicone spray for the mags, hammer, and nozzle, but the manual mentions not to use it and use oil. I'm gonna head down to a local RC shop to pick up some. I figure 30wt? 2) What's generally the first thing to break in this gun? I've heard that the bucking wears out first, but what does next. If no one can tell me this
  2. sounds good, maybe I'll pick one up to complement my ARMY MEU. How's the color on the grips? in the pics it looks really bright, but that maybe the camera?
  3. it's on there pretty tight, but with enough force you can get it off.
  4. So this weapon has been out for a while, are there any big significant, long term flaws? obviously the magazines might not be up to par, and from a previous post here, some parts don't fit exactly. Any thing else those looking into these weapon want to be aware of? I'm still looking into it, just waiting on my friend to put in my order.
  5. Markings are always a plus. would you happen to have experience in shooting both the ASG and Wingun? Are thier performance comparable or is one better than the other?
  6. I'm not a member there, but I can read it just fine. Excellent Review! Nicely written and very informative. I do however, have a question wondering about its similarities to WinGun's revolvers such as seen here: http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?products_id=3792 I see similarities in it taking the CO2 in the grip and the similarities in the shells and speedloader. Dang, now I want a high powered revolver now. *goes into state of depression*
  7. Yes, unfortunately they don't work. So I've taken an interest in this weapon. As a full metal .45 with ambidextrous safeties, this one caught my eye. So if i were to purchase this weapon, what pieces would you recommenced be replaced? I'm thinking outer barrel, hop-up unit, piston head, maybe the feeding nozzle. I'd like a weapon that's very reliable.
  8. thanks for the review lance201. My friend is looking into picking up one of them later on in the year. The off barrel is kind of irking, but does it interfere with the performance of the weapon at longer ranges?
  9. Glad you guys a small review on it gunfighters, I am definitely gonna check it out at your store when I get the time.
  10. Here's an article written a few years ago by Airsoft Hawaii interviewing Arnie. It might give you some info... http://www.airsofthawaii.org/ballistic/200501/arnie.shtml
  11. Found this one surfing the net... got a small lol out of it...
  12. looks nice.... you're always keeping us updated on the newest stuff... Props to you! I noticed that they didn't have the Steyr TMP as a clay model or in the real stuff... would you happen to know if they canceled that project? cause I was hoping for one to make a HUNK loadout from Biohazard
  13. beautiful... brings tears of happiness to my eyes... Nice piece, I think I'd just frame it and stare at it all day...
  14. yea, that does seem a little on the high side... I mean considering it's a clone and such...
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