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Raven 6

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About Raven 6

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  • Airsofter since
    January 2005
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  1. Awesome pic Hammerhead! Looks a lot like it was some kind of magpul dynamic's class lol. From yesterday:
  2. Day pics of my loadout... this time I went with crappy aor1 though. Need to change the L2G05 for an L4G24 either with VAS or Norotos Gen 2. Still debating on whether I should get a 416 or just a block 2 M4. Only then I will decide on which STS I'm working on... on these pics it looks a lot more 24th'ish though.
  3. I will ask him if he's up to it... I know it implies changing the top cable from a 5 lead to a 6 lead, but not much else...
  4. Here are a couple of mine... lame indoor shots just for fun... I plant to take some decent out door pics sometime soon.
  5. Z Tactical Comtac II functional dual comm mod made by a friend of mine. Granted.. they are missing the second mic port, but that's merely cosmetic I think. One receiving channel on each ear with shared mic.
  6. Awesome! I've been thinking about getting a scar h as well for my loadout. Have you considered getting the updated emerson dummy 152's? Since the cct loadout is so radio based it would be nice if you could have more accurate radios (probably saying this cause I did it lol). www.toysoldier.com.hk/product_details.php?pid=899
  7. Ah cool stuff! I'm not really versed in pj gear that's why I was asking. What's the timeframe for those pics?
  8. Any refpics? Not that I'm doubting it's authenticity, but I can't quite recall seeing pj's with that helmet/mount config. Other than that it looks dope! Here's a little update on my plate carrier
  9. A few pics just to get this moving lol
  10. Okay so here's the complete kit so far... And as usual... some photoshop fun for t3h lulz
  11. Nice man! Do you have pics of your gear?
  12. Slowly finishing it all... I'm waiting on the proper radio connectors and the updated emerson prc 152 dummies. Hopefully I'll get some kit'd up pics on sunday so it makes more sense lol
  13. Slowly finishing it all... I'm waiting on the proper radio connectors and the updated emerson prc 152 dummies.
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