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Everything posted by Sparty442

  1. TCB its a custom SPR type thing made by a guy named "bottlelot" He makes custom guns out in Southern California.
  2. Ya i know its a little shiny. Its also the flash as well it isn't that shiny in real life. Also the norotos was purchased from Ebaybanned.com it even came with the plate to mount the arm on.
  3. aha thanks, Ya it was for the pictures. I dont really hold the rifle that way,,or my wrists would explode.
  4. the time stamps are off haha these were taken last week. I know. Its ALICE Gear. I still love it
  5. My OD set up. Dont make fun of my shoes .
  6. Mee And when i played the Terrorist
  7. Was the game on Peldelton? Is that the field they normally play on?
  8. Welcome to California Joe. Glad to have ya Were you guys airsofting or was that marine training?
  9. It looks Like a Frogman, could be Devgru, But it think its Toy soldier because of the way its connected to that MBITR Shell.
  10. Thats the best cadpat kit i have ever seen.
  11. Haha i do the Same thing, With the same magazines.
  12. ABU is in more of a tiger stripe type of pattern, where as ACU is pixelated Thats my take
  13. http://www.diytactical.com/main/
  14. My stuff. And the group shot.
  15. Some of me from this saturday's 2v2 tourney. Im the one in the DDPM and my mate is the one in the MC. The Bad guys. LAST 2 PICS REMOVED. Cheers
  16. HA not just any spam. Its monty python Spam. Thanks alot.
  17. Heres my Kit. Only the PC though the belt kit is under renovation. Sweet?
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