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About P-E

  • Rank
    Adv Member

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    Feb 2005
  • Toy collection
    Canon powershot G6 and some airsoft stuff...
  • Country
    Hong Kong

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  • Location
    yau ma tei
  1. Hi, Thanks for the remark I used Tamiya paint: - dark yellow - dark green - red brown Starting with big stripes of brown on the dark earth body of the Masada, then randomly spraying "dots" of yellow and green (and some more brown) there and there... Took me half an hour including drying
  2. Thanks, I used hockey tape. Haha, actually I've never played MW2...
  3. My painted ACR: See it big: http://www.france-airsoft.fr/forum/index.php?autocom=gallery&req=si&img=4366 (and click on the picture)
  4. Very decent gun for the price. Shoots quite well on lipo11V, altough the motor is not very punchy. Quality of materials is acceptable. Good gun for game.
  5. Cyma MP5SD, Eotech 551:
  6. Stock adapter is G&P... it looks low but is actually pretty comfortable as it brings the sights directly under the eyes
  7. P-E

    Glock Picture Thread

    TM G17 + Silverback laser
  8. Used some steel wool when I received it, then the Hong Kong subtropical humid climate did the rest
  9. Hi, many thanks, it's not Inokatsu it's a DM (bough on Gunner Airsoft), but I guess you can get this finish with every full-steel AK on the market.
  10. Full steel + subtropical climate = no need to paint rust.
  11. My humble collection:
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