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About Marrius

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/05/1987

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  • Airsofter since
  • Country
    United States

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  1. Marrius


    My latest addition to the arsenal: my take on a KAC SR25 ECR. Base gun is a CA SR25 carbine, mostly stock gearbox, prowin hopup and Prometheus barrel group. Custom suppressor cover.
  2. I'm using a Blue Force Gear Mp7 pouches, they come in single, double, triple, and quadruple variants as well as a 7 cell chest rig. It works really well.
  3. We always laughed at the 'shrubs' walking around base. That is, until, we went into the bush. CADPAT really does represent Canada from 50 to 500 meters, just like the brochure says!
  4. Hey Lerch, I see your high speed helmet scrim and raise you my high drag helmet scrim:
  5. Understood, I only used mine on BMOQ so I never really cared to work the kinks out.
  6. I found that alot of the p82 sets that I've come in contact with creak alot, do you notice it?
  7. You're supposed to use photoshop, not MS paint Teflon.
  8. Both Elephant, I think. Edit- yeah, Its Both Elephant.
  9. nothing kills bacteria like Gin. Hey, it worked in Africa.
  10. hey Gadge, what is it like skirmishing with a unscoped sniper/spring rifle? I've wanted to make a Lee-Enfield, but didn't want to get owned every time I bust her out.
  11. I'ld stab a cop in the eye to have a sten or a enfield. How'd you make them?!
  12. Quick question: do CYMA m-14s use mauri-type mags?
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