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Everything posted by maxxxmonster

  1. so i have a problem with my we scar. i read through the past 7 pages and i dont think the problem has occured yet. so heres the problem. the hammer engages but will not hit the valve to shoot the bb. i took the lower out and inserted the mag to see how the hammer engages. it seems as if the hammer doesnt even hit the valve at all. it hits maybe 1mm higher than where the valve sits. i reversed the hammer pin so it will hit the valve and it worked, but it shoots like a pea shooter. it gets maybe like less than 200fps. and wont blowback. anyone else have this problem?
  2. m4 fits im using a systema right now i think inner barrel is a mp5 length? 209 or 229mm i think?
  3. no way...? tightbore? mines not that accurate... i cleaned it put a systema hop up chamber, prommy strike chamber, ics bucking, element h nub and its putting like a 3 feet spread at 60 feet i guess i do have to take in the fact that the barrel is pretty small but even my stock jg mp5 was more accurate... hm... o well
  4. your gun is going to blow up soon good luck.
  5. i have something to add to this... make sure to not mess around with the selector switch too much. the gears that move will screw up the left side spur gear bearing. i couldnt move my selector switch last night playing so i just thought it was the gears that were misaligned but i just finished fixing the problem which i found out the bearing just "exploded." its funny tho it still shot fine and didnt even sound like anything was wrong with it. i have a feeling that this will be a common problem... here are whats in my kac: element hispeed element polycarb piston shortstroked 2 tee
  6. bad news... well sorta... usps was going to drop off the package today but no one was home... so i gotta go pick it up at the post office tommorow right before work. *sigh* i already have a gearbox shell waiting to be built for this bad boy. its already replacing my 30+rps ics stubby. throwing a 8mm gearbox, element hispeeds with probably 2 teeth shaved off. and maybe a gp120. if the element gears give out i think i might try the kingarms super highspeeds
  7. ^ i cant wait to get mine in! less than 2 weeks!
  8. so since the selector switch mechanism looks similiar to the scar and the sig how would one go about taking out the gearbox? i know on the sigs and the scars the lowers are plastic so you can pry the plastic out a bit to separate the gears to pull out the gearbox. but since this is metal im kinda stumped...
  9. awesome mines coming in 2 weeks from rsov.
  10. havent posted here in a while but this was my latest project that i just sold a couple of weeks ago. i posted on the classifieds but apparently no one really was interested... so off to ebay it went. i was planning on going outdoor more often so i decided to make an outdoor gun... but then i got my vw gti so i gotta stop focusing on airsoft.
  11. heres my jg m733 that i changed into a cqb... ive changed everything in it except the gearbox shell, semi cut off lever, and selector plate. it has around 1k in it give or take. ill try and get more pics next weekend since im at the dorms now.
  12. good lookin stuff guys ill have my spring m500 up in a few days maybe 2-3 modded from a pistol grip to a full stock from a clone vsr10.
  13. just got her in today ksc uspc. fitted with the ksc metal slide, g18 oem recoil spring, and a head1950 tightbore. ill be getting another mag for it and 2 hurricane hi flow valves for it soon
  14. well... at 8:30 this morning i woke up and checked the status on my uspc from uncompany... what do you know its in transit according to ups. 9:47 am ITS DELIVERED! so i anxiously walk towards the mailboxes at school open up my mailbox and what...? theres no notification slip... so i walk back to my dorm and sit there till lunch and then i go eat. after lunch i check my mail again and well... what do you know... its here...i bought the ksc version with the plastic slide along with a ksc metal slide, g18 oem recoil spring, and a head1950 tightbore so i had to install those... unfortunately i los
  15. its good no glossy heat shield like on other acm m14s. im currently painting it. right now its sorta a khaki color. couldnt find that green at michaels... D: o well it looks ok right now i like it alot better than wood. im just debating whether or not to start upgrading this or fix my m4 and mp5... either way all gonna cost me some money
  16. just got her last thursday...? or friday...? cyma m14 socom. work was throwing it out. so i decided to see what i could do to make it work. stuck in a battery tried shooting. nothing. not even the motor trying to spin. took her apart and what do you know! the switch assembly had a bunch of china gunk on it! i had a old m14 switch assembly lying around since i didnt want to clean it and bam now she works like a charm! shes realllyy accurate. longest distance in my backyard is about 60-70 feet and i was hitting the bbq leg everytime with ironsights. sorry if the pic is a bit dark i dont feel lik
  17. here sorry about not having pics inside the gearbox will try to asap mp5 pdw review
  18. heres my mp5 pdw, i didnt even get it a week ago almost done with it. i know the mount is on backwards i just didnt take another pic of it. its fixed tho. specs in sig
  19. heres my m733 thats not even a m733 anymore upgrades in sig
  20. mines black and yeah it came in the box pictured in ur review. i just wrapped some teflon tape around the threads its nice and tight now.
  21. hey far east good review i have the magul miad grip on my m733 and the motor adjustment screw on mine was very loose when i had it at the right height. so like the screw would wobble around at the vibrations caused by the motor when its running. did you have that problem?
  22. well im sitting here waiting till 10 which is in an hour and a half to have my wisdom tooth pulled out... so i guess theres nothing else to do than write a review. now i got this gun for free. its around 30-60 dollars depending on which site you go to. reason i got it for free is cuz the place i work at decide to throw out a bunch due to the bodies having cracks and some bolts not springing back when cocking the gun. so me and my co worker -were both gun tech- looked thru every box and found 2 good ones. however my bolt doesnt spring back. however it is a easy fix. now its 840 in the morning a
  23. o hm ill try that ive noticed barrel wobble when gas tube is off tho
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