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About 9MM

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  • Airsofter since
    Long enough!
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  1. 9MM

    SIG Picture Thread

    People say their guns with accessories fited are custom, god knows what it makes this.. 'uber leet custom'! Seriously though, nice job mate!
  2. 9MM

    SA80 Picture Thread

    Has anybody painetd their grips white or desert colour? I particulary like the white grips
  3. That to me, really looks like a PSG-1! Which im guessing is the good scrim job. Cheers, 9MM.
  4. 9MM

    Airshow pics.

    Not sure, but i caught a glimpse of what it said on the side of the plane, something along the lines of: 'i ca.t be.ive y.o can rea. th.s' Lol, im not sure mate, not really too good with planes. Its not that new is it though (?), i saw it about 4 years ago when i actually went.. Cheers, 9MM.
  5. 9MM

    Airshow pics.

    The A380 was actually very quiet, but christ some of the fighter planes were so frickin loud! It was unbearable lol, the lights were shaking!
  6. People put pictures of REAL guns here, im sure its ok, there are also pics of guns with a very high fps (im sure..) But i just dont think you are allowed to discuss it.
  7. 9MM

    Airshow pics.

    *Faints* Thats quite alot.. How many memory cards does he have?!!
  8. 9MM

    Airshow pics.

    Nor did i, your not alone! I cant belive that the A380 fit in the small airport! Some of the manuovers it did were crazy
  9. Here are a few pics from the recent farnborough airshow, i was staying at my nans who lives nearby! The weather was quite bad on the second day, its not my camera! Cheers, 9MM.
  10. 9MM

    double fisted combos :p

    Kinda scary when you think about it!
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