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About BentleyCntlGT

  • Rank
    Regular Poster
  • Birthday 03/16/1993

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  • Country
    United States

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Linn, Oregon
  1. I wish I had a 60-inch gun stand. Anyways... heres me in front
  2. You looked so hunched over Nice gun Grand'pa Cthulhu
  3. Classy And MainSpire, yours looks really nice. Anymore pictures?
  4. Milla, I've been trying to decide what to do with my M15.... thanks for the help
  5. I like your helmet RUSHER2... more blurry pics noa!!
  6. Photos courtesy of my Brother. CA Ak-74, Aussie terrorist version Edit - In on first page!
  7. Haha, thats how I was. Now, any Ak that isn't worn just looks... blah, to me. I like your wear, but the wood could be done a little better. Still, looks great
  8. The above two look really nice, the wear looks especially good ancorp. What kind are you getting capacious?
  9. I lost a bid by 50 cents for a pair of pants last night, while I slept. I'm so angry....
  10. Yeah, Gr!m though, right? I still cant find it, but hopefully he pops up (so I can atleast PM him..)
  11. The flag is more intact than it appears, its just a little banged up Australian flag, dunno why the camera washed it out. But I would like some feedback.
  12. Its a worn Australian flag on the stock..my crappy camera skills made it look really worn, but its more intact.
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