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About Svack

  • Rank
    om nom nom
  • Birthday 08/07/1988

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    october 07
  • Toy collection
    TOP AIM M4 (with metal M4SD front end, full stock and M203), Cyma AK-47 (revamped gearbox, metal body and a working hop-up!), TM SIG P226R chrome, HFC glock 17 (broken), KJW Mk 1, Well MP7, JG Bar-10, JG SIG 552, Sawn-Off pump action springer and a few old springers from my younger days
  • Most likely to say
    lol dongs
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
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  • Interests
    computers, airsoft and... urm, thats about it :p

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  1. just got my pair of fast strikes! not skirmished them yet, but I decided they are probably a worthwile investment after one of the lenses on my guarder C4's was blown out from a sniper shot!
  2. my PC desktop: (photo taken by me at Biggin Hill Air Fair) and my IRL desktop:
  3. yikes! what shape were you in after that!? you were lucky not to be decapitated!
  4. Svack

    alice smells!

  5. same thing happened to my friend's one, although he fell on it...
  6. cheers James, looks good! I'll have to see what pouches I need!
  7. or gearzone they have the propper ones: http://www.gearzoneproducts.com/index.asp?...mp;Category=427 Edit: sorry to add to my post, I just got the propper BDU the other day and now I want a reasonably price vest (sub £100 prefereably!) to go with it, can anyone reccomend any to me? thanks in advance!
  8. I still put it down to its stability of the browser, its possible it is a plugin error, all the PCs here where I work used to crash on the bbc website, turned out to be the realplayer plugin not working with IE7 properly even though the main page had to real media content! I only suggest firefox as I believe it to be a better browser and that it should work on arnies without freezing!
  9. Gah, IE7, its not particularly stable, suggest you try firefox as an alternative: http://www.mozilla-europe.org/en/products/firefox/ I use it as my main browser and dont get any problems on Arnies
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