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SOF Raziel

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Everything posted by SOF Raziel

  1. Glad you like it ^^ I had lost my p226 magazine so I had difficulty in hidding it, but it made me test out new angles of view
  2. Hadn't seen this thread before... well : Am I correct ? @ carpandean : awesome work, looks like a real one
  3. Hi Arnies' staff, I've got a problem : I've been using this avatar for some days : and I want to put this one now : But each time i try to, the former one appears instead of the new one ! Apparently this problem only concerns gifs, 'cause I can put any jpeg file, it works fine with them. What can I do ?
  4. mg36 powaaaaaaa What is that green Scotch for ?
  5. What the ...? It's the first time I see a vertical grip on a sniper rifle Great work nonetheless ps : how do you reload ? the magazine seems blocked by the bipop
  6. Very nice g36k Ed209, I love it ps : does this count for a weapon ?
  7. My first "serious" gun ( I had won a crappy ppk springer before, in a funfair ) : WA Beretta m92fs ( sold it since then )
  8. I got my 4.3 yesterday... awesome gun I say
  9. hehe... totally agree ^^ ( okay it's not a 1911 )
  10. lol massacreman ^^. No I want to preserve the ludic side of airsoft in my pictures ( no bullets in the magazines etc... )
  11. i still got the cat... he helps me out from time to time :
  12. Since that picture, I've sold my beretta ( WA... beautiful as hell but crappy to play with ). So here are my current guns : (hi capa 4.3 coming soon ) All marui....( except the knife ^^ )
  13. My weapons.... "beware of the cat"
  14. Yeah but it's not heroin on the table, it's bbs...
  15. It was for the drug dealer style ( with the bbs sachets instead of heroin ^^ ) ( and it's the first time I put money on my pictures ) I'm pleased you like it
  16. @ LORD_SEX : Nice one, what gun is it ? My pictures ( no photoshop there ) : ( this last one isn't airsoft but... I love it ^^ )
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