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About WizardofAirsoft

  • Rank
    Adv Member
  • Birthday 08/25/1989

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    Summer 06
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Nice upgrades there! Particularly the dark knight m4 Your arsenal is missing some nice bullpups though
  2. Ah, so then the short eg700 doesn't need a bracket but gives more torque for more powerful springs but a slower firerate, correct? Is this eg1000 short type the same size or would it need a bracket also?http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/product/product_detail.jsp?prodID=13942 Thanks for the help PS Is this the eg700 used? http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/prod...jsp?prodID=8541
  3. Nice setup! Is it possible to fit other motors? Like systema short type ones?
  4. Amazing mod! What internals are you upgrading then?
  5. I love the gun at the top, freakin sweet
  6. Agreed, thats nicely modded. Your starting to make me a fan of the multiple sights too...but I'm just uncertain about moscarts on a famas...
  7. Its the oil from the gearbox i think, the high rate of fire heats it up a bit.
  8. Firing it for the first time is amazing, brilliant flawless performance right out of the box.
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